Unit 2  Numbers

Unit 2 Numbers

let’s act
pre-task preparation
   通过提问 what do you have in your bag? 帮助学生复习他们学过的学习用品类单词,同时让学生将提及的学习用品放置于书桌上。教师通过讲述挂图上的情景(孩子们在美术课上合用学习用品)引出祈使句give me …,please. 让学生感受帮助别人、与他人分享物品的快乐。看图说话后,教师可安排一组问题,检查学生对图意的理解,仅要求学生做简略回答,例:what did sam want ? a rubber.
while-task procedure
post-task activities
可启发学生将祈使句中的单词,替换成他们学过的其他单词进行对话,最后教师可创设真是情景,发给学生图画纸,要求学生画画教室。其间若需要图画用品,可用give me …, please.向他人借用,让学生学会在生活中运用学到的英语。
language focus:
using imperatives to give simple instructions  e.g. give me …,please.
using nouns to identify classroom objects  e.g. rubber
language skills:
locate specific information in response to simple instructions
use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners
student’s book 1a page 7
cassette 1a
cassette player
wallchart 1a
pre-task preparation
   1. revise the classroom objects vocabulary. ask the students what do you have in your bag? invite individuals to answer the question with the words they have learnt. ask the class to put their personal items on the desks.
   2. put up the wallchart on the board and tell a story like this:
   sam and his classmates enjoy drawing. one day their teacher told them that they could each draw a picture. the students were happy to do this. however, the teacher told them that they must share some of their things. they need to ask politely if they want to borrow something. sam didn't have a rubber so he said to the girl sitting next to him, 'give me a rubber, please.' she was happy to share with him. ann didn't have a ruler so she said to tom politely, 'give me a ruler, please,' the teacher was happy that everyone was sharing their things. she also liked their pictures!
3、ask some questions such as the following:
   what did sam want? (a rubber.)
   what did he say? (give me a rubber, please.)
   what did ann want? (a ruler.)
   what did she say? (give me a ruler, please.)
while-task procedure
   1. play the cassette tape for 'give me a rubber, please'. ask some students to act it and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.