

unit 5 music

period 3(listening, reading and talking)
teaching aims:
students will be able to:
make suggestions
talk about preference
step 1 listening & writing
1. preparation for listening to “freddy, the frog”
read the directions and the statements. make sure the students know what they mean and what they are asked to do.
2. turn to page 38 and read these sentences before listening to the tape. then listen to the tape and decide true or false.
step 2 reading
1. read more about freddy’s life and summarize the main idea of the story in one sentence. (a possible version: this is a story about a band that became famous and did not like it.)
2. underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. copy them to your notebook after class as homework.
collocations from freddy’s life:
become famous, visit britain on a tour, wait for hours to get tickets for the concerts, be confident, enjoy singing and all the congratulations, the most exciting experience, sing in a tv program called “top of the pops, wear an expensive suit, give a performance to a tv camera, go wrong, not go out without being followed everywhere, wear sunglasses, hide in railway stations, one’s personal life, become too painful for sb., pack one’s bags
step 3 discussion
1. in small groups imagine you are freddy and his group and you are back at the lake. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being famous. ask them make a list of their ideas
2. ask some groups to act their conversations.
step 4 homework
develop your ideas into a short passage.