高二上人教版Unit 1 Making a difference
i. 单元教学目标技能目标goalstalk about science and scientistspractise describing people and debatinglearn more about the infinitivewrite a descriptive paragraph ii. 目标语言 功 能 句 式practise describing people and debatingthat’s correctthat’s true.there is no doubt that…it is clear that…it is hard to say.what’s your idea?i doubt that…well, maybe, but…have you thought about…? 词 汇1. 四会词汇 undertake, analysis, obvious, within, agriculture, gravity, curious, branch, debate, scan, boundary, graduate, research, wheelchair, disable, theory, seek, misunderstand, scientific, observe, match, predict, unhappiness, crime, astronomer, microscope, telescope, heaven, intelligent, patient, experiment2. 认读词汇 albert einstein, genius, inspiration, perspiration, alfred north whitehead, quote, radioactivity, biologist, stephen hawing, phd, promising, incurable, engage, jane wilde, exploration, roger penrose, observation, newton, dna, galileo galilei, francis bacon, geographer, copernicus3. 词组 work on, go by, be/ get engaged to sb, go on with, dream of, turn out, use up, be satisfied with, take a look at, what if, the other way around4.重点词汇 undertake, debate, disable, seek, misunderstand, observe, match, predict, patient语 法不定式的用法the infinitive used as subject, attribute, object and adverbial重 点句子1.nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he hadalways dreamed of.2. it is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference in theworld. ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 通过学习著名科学家的故事,激发学生学科学,爱科学,不畏艰难,勇于克服困难,勇攀高峰的科学精神。通过对科学家的描述,帮助学生学会描述人。引导学生对科学的好奇心,培养他们辩论的能力。 1.1 warming up 通过名人名言引导学生学会描述人。 1.2 listening是描述科学家的材料。 1.3 speaking是一个任务型教学活动。提供了5门学科,让学生辩论哪一科最重要和对社会最有用。 1.4 pre-reading要求学生快速浏览文章并独立完成三个问题,为reading的热身。 1.5 reading是关于著名科学家斯蒂芬·霍金的故事。通过学习他的故事,培养学生不畏艰难,敢于克服困难,勇攀高峰的大无畏的科学精神。 1.6 post-reading第一个题是三个选择题,目的是训练学生的事实核对能力;第二题是三个问答题,除了训练学生的概括能力外,更能开阔学生的思路,丰富学生的视野;第三题是训练学生开放性思维,要求学生能够把课本知识与社会生活知识联系起来,多角度的去思考问题。 1.7 language study 分词汇和语法两部分。其中,word study 是一个英语释义练习,旨在培养学生的英语思维能力,有助于养成英语思维的习惯。grammar 在引导学生体验、探究、归纳不定式结构功能的基础上,进行任务型巩固训练。 part 1是归纳不定式结构功能分类练习;part 2则是有一定难度的不定式被动语态练习;part3把不定式放在一定语境中的综合练习,以著名科学家斯蒂芬·霍金的梦想实现过程为范例,谈论如何实现自己的梦想。本单元的语法训练设计是以功能为特征的功能语法训练,充分体现了新教材的话题、功能、结构、任务相结合的特点。 1.8 integrating skills中的reading介绍了一些著名科学家成功的原因,让学生了解科学家成功的要素。writing部分要求学生通过图书馆、互联网等途径了解自己喜欢的科学家。然后根据提示作一介绍。 1.9 tips 介绍了学英语的科学方法。鼓励学生科学的对待学习。 2. 教材重组 2.1 把warming up 作为listening的热身练习,将warming up,listening与speaking整合在一起,通过谈论科学和科学家,练习描述人和进行辩论,上一节“听说课”。 2.2 把pre-reading, reading 和post-reading 放在一起上一节阅读课。 2.3 将grammar与workbook中的语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。 2.4 将integrating skills 设计为一节“综合实践课(一)”。 2.5 将workbook 的integrating skills设计为一节“综合实践课(二)”。 3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可以用5课时教完) 1st period listening && speaking 2nd period reading 3rd period grammar 4th period integrating skills (1) 5th period integrating skills (2) ⅳ. 分课时教案 the first period listening && speaking teaching goals 教学目标1. target language目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 undertake, analysis, obvious, within, agriculture, gravity, curious, branch, debate b. 交际用语learn the following by heart. practise describing people and debating that’s correct that’s true. there is no doubt that… it is clear that… it is hard to say. what’s your idea ? i doubt that… well, maybe, but… have you thought about…?2. ability goals能力目标 enable students to talk about science and scientists. help them learn to describe people and practise debating.3. learning ability goals学能目标 let ss learn how to debate by talking about which branch is the most important and useful to society.teaching important points教学重点learn the patterns used to describe people and debatingteaching difficult points 教学难点how to describe people and how to debate.teaching methods 教学方法1. listening to the tape (individuals).2. group work debating (cooperative learning).teaching aids 教具准备a tape recorder, a projector and a computerteaching procedures && ways 过程与方式 step i warming upshow the photos of some great people on the powerpoint. ask students whether they know who they are and what they are famous for. then show the quotes on the powerpoint. ask students to match the pictures with the quotes. then help students to understand the quotes.t: welcome b ck to school, boys and girls! glad to see you again. ss: glad to see you, mr.…/ms….t: how was your holiday? have you made any new friends?here i will introduce some friends to you. look at him, who is he? show the picture of albert einstein to the class.s1: albert einstein, a great scientist.t: what is he known for?s2: theory of relativity.t: here is a brief introduction of him. please look at the screen.show the following sentence on the powerpoint.einstein contributed more than any other scientist to the modern vision of physical reality. his special and general theories of relativity are still regarded as the most satisfactory model of the large-scale universe that we have. t: ok. here are some pictures of famous people and quotes from them. please match the pictures with the quotes. this is group work. please discuss with your group members. two minutes later we will check the answers.ask the students to discuss with their group members. two minutes later check the answers with the whole class.suggested answers are shown on the powerpoint:nothing in this world is to be feared…only understood. (maria curie)genius is one percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration. (thomas alva edison)it takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. (alfred north whitehead)you cannot teach a man anything;you can only help him find it within himself. (galileo galilei)t: ok. i’d like you to explain the quotes. s1: i am very familiar with edison’s genius is one percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration.t: how do you understand it?s1: everyone needs to work hard to succeed.t: thanks. please remember if you want to become successful, you need to work hard. hard work leads to success.introduce the other quotes in the same way.the explanation of the quotes:imagination is more important than knowledge. ... means that you may know everything, but if you can’t think up new thoughts, no progress will be made.nothing in this world is to be feared ...only understood. ...this is a stretch of an old saying: you only fear the unknown. so marie was right, but still not. she didn’t understand radiation and died of cancer as cause of it, but still when you learn thing, you lose the fear.genius is one percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration. ...this is a “pun”, but also shows that talent and genius is not all it takes, even really clever people need to work hard to make dreams come trueit takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. ...this is a good one. it takes two contrasts obvious and unusual and throws together: that it needs an unusual mind to be able to explain what is obvious. it doesn’t seem to be the truth and this is an oxymoron, but very true.you cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. ...unless one has desire to learn himself you can not help him. only if he himself has inner desire to move ahead you can be of some help to him. galileo may have had a point here. but it is a very humble view of a teacher. t: do you know any other quotes about science and thinking?s: yes, i know some.you see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know!knowing is not enough, you must take action.—anthony robbinsaction is foundational key to all success.—anthony robbinssuggested answers to q3 && 4.3. sir isaac newton: the universal law of gravitation charles darwin: on the origin of species 4. hard work, imagination, creativity, persistence and curiosity make scientistssuccessful. i’d like to learn the stories of how they succeeded. step ii listeningt: after talking about the scientists, we will listen to the tape. please try to judge who the famous scientists described on the tape are. and finish the exercises.after listening, check the answers with the whole class.after checking the answers, ask students what they are interested in. they are requested to write a short paragraph about what they would like to invent, discover, or be. they are given five minutes to finish it.t: what are you interested in s1?s1: i’m interested in biology. i want to be a biologist. i want to make good use of gm to produce more food for people.t: good idea. then write a short passage about your dreams. you should finish it within 5 minutes.five minutes later, show several copies on the projector and check with the whole class. step iii speakingt: boys and girls, from the above exercise i learn that you are interested in different subjects. now i’d like you to play a game. now you will be divided into 5 groups to represent a branch of science. show the five branches biology, maths, chemistry, physics and computer science on the powerpoint.t: you are going to debate each other to see which subject is the most important and useful to society. please refer to the useful expressions. when you debate, please think of enough reasons. you may discuss in your group for three minutes.show the useful expressions on the powerpoint.that’s correct.that’s true.there is no doubt that…it is clear that…it is hard to say.what’s your idea?i doubt that…well, maybe, but…have you thought about…? step ⅳ practicethree minutes later, the debate begins. after the debate, the teacher will sum up.t: i’m glad you have done a very good job. i have to admit all of you are right. every branch of science is very important and useful. i hope in the future you will be great scientists and make contributions to the development of the world.then ask students to do the talking on page82.t: good news for you. a famous scientist is coming to visit our school. would you like to meet him/her?ss: yes.t: luckily you have been chosen to meet and interview him or her. ss: where is the scientist, who is he or she? t: this is just a game. you are going to do pair work. imagine one is the scientist, the other is the student. you are given three minutes to do it. then i will ask some pairs to act it out. now turn your books to page 82 and do the pair work.three minutes later, the students are asked to act out the interview.t: well done. many of you are so interested in scientists’ stories. after class please find more information of your favourite scientists. step ⅴ homeworkfinish the listening exercises on page 81.surf on the internet or use the library to find more about scientists.