● task writing an advertisementthat is why we are considering designing a new package our chocolate bar as well. (p13)这也是我们考虑重新包装巧克力块的原因。
1. vi. & vt. (possibility) to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision:
don't make any decisions before you've considered the matter.
[+ question word] have you considered what you'll do if you don't get the job?
[+ ing form of verb] we're considering selling the house.
she's being considered for the job.
i'd like some time to consider before i make a decision.
2. vt. (care about) to care about or respect other people or their feelings and wishes:
have you considered your mother and how she's going to feel about you leaving?
she never considers anyone but herself - she's totally selfish!
3. vt. [often + object + (to be) + noun or adjective] (opinion) to believe someone or sth. to be, or think of them as:
he is currently considered (to be) the best british athlete.
we don't consider her suitable for the job.
[passive + object + to infinitive] it is considered bad manners in some cultures to speak with your mouth full of food.
i consider myself lucky that i only hurt my arm in the accident.
do you consider him a friend of yours?
[+ (that)] she considers (that) she has done enough to help already.
it is generally considered unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants.
4. vt. (subject/fact) to give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging sth. else:
you've got to consider the time element when planning the whole project.
[+ question word] if you consider how long he's been learning the piano, he's not very good.
1. n. [u] when you think about sth. carefully:
after some consideration, we've decided to sell the house.
the whole matter needs (to be given) careful consideration.
2. n. [u] when you are kind to people or think about their feelings:
you've got no consideration for others!
could you turn your music down and show a little consideration for the neighbours!
we didn't publish the details, out of consideration for the victim's family.
3. n. [c or u]
it may be fairly cheap to buy, but you've got to take into consideration the money you'll spend on repairs.
comfort/safety is an important consideration.
adj. kind and helpful:
it wasn't very considerate of you to drink all the milk.
note: the opposite is inconsiderate.
prep., conj., adv. used to mention a particular condition or fact about sth., usually a disadvantageous one: