


module 8 unit 1
1. a high p___________ of the female staff are part-time workers.
2. if you m___________ blue and yellow, you get green.
3. all applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or n___________.
4. his a___________ to the company for manager has been refused.
5. the idea o___________ to him in a dream.
6. you stay there with the l___________ while i find a taxi.
7. as i ran up the stairs, my foot s___________ and i fell.
8. i___________ coins into the slot and press for a coke.
9. there will be rain later in c___________ and eastern parts of the country.
10. b___________ is a place where bread and cakes are made or sold.
11. he does the hiring and f___________ in our company.
12. his lecture was i___________ with pictures taken during the expedition.

module 8 unit 2
1. american english d___________ from british english in many aspects.
2. shanghai is the c___________ heart of the country.
3. the p___________ for getting on to the network usually involves a password.
4. we must promote c___________ with neighbouring countries.
5. there is a major b___________ in cancer research because of scientists’ efforts.
6. if you get up early, try not to d___________ everyone else.
7. the train went slower and slower until it stopped a___________.
8. the main o___________ to the plan was that it would cost too much.
9. a t-shirt can be an excellent m___________ for getting your message across.
10. her father forbade the m___________ for the man had no job.
11. we have a___________ a great amount of evidence to accuse the murder.
12. she was forced to r___________ early from teaching because of ill health.
13. don't always a___________ the worst, something can be good.

module 8 unit 3
1. police d___________ a large stash of drugs while searching the house.
2. at what age are children able to d___________ between right and wrong?
3. the p___________ of cars still can’t meet the demand of the market.
4. the garden was p___________ with the smell of roses.
5. a bicycle is often more c___________ than a car in towns.
6. contrary to e___________, only two volunteers would come to help.
7. she wore a p___________ expression on her face as if she didn't care what happened.
8. she couldn't b___________ the thought of losing her only son in the war.
9. birds use warm air c___________ to help their flight.
10. from a p___________ point of view, it isn't a good place to live.
