1A Unit 1 Hello(通用7篇)
1A Unit 1 Hello 篇1
unit 1 hello
dog . cat . bird . tiger . monkey . zebra . panda . elephant .liu tao . yang ling . nancy . david .
hello / hi .i’m nancy/… what’s your name ?
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
1. 2.
3. 4.
zebra tiger
dog cat
elephant panda
二、选择正确的译文 (12分)
( )1.hello!
a . 你好! b. 你好吗?
( )2.i’m yang ling.
a . 我叫杨玲。 b.这是杨玲。
( )3.what’s your name? i’m liu tao.
a .你是刘涛吗? b.你叫什么名字? 我叫刘涛。
( )4.hi , i’m meimei.
a . 你好,我叫梅梅。 b.你是梅梅吗?
( )1.monkey a.桃子 b.苹果
( )2.panda a.竹子 b.花草
( )3.dog a.骨头 b.苹果
( )4.bird a.鱼 b.虫子
1A Unit 1 Hello 篇2
1、 能听懂、会说唱用问候语hello!hi!要求发音准确、语调自然 。
2、 能听懂他人使用i’m…介绍自己的名字,同时能使用i’m..,.介绍自己的名字,发音准确。
3、 能根据听到的名字,正确辨认出第一单元中出现的人物su hai ,wang bing , helen , mike 的形象。能看图说出这个四个人物的名字,发音准确。
4、 会唱歌曲hello.
一、 教学目标
1. 能听懂,会说单词hello, hi,.su hai, mike.
2. 能听懂,会说句型i’m… ,并在相应地场景中自如地表演运用。
二、 教学重点
能正确运用日常交际用语hello hi, i’m … 并能自如地运用在适合的场景中。
三、 教学难点
能正确运用日常交际用语hello hi, i’m … 并能自如地运用在适合的场景中。
四、 课前准备
玩偶, 教学vcd,卡通头饰
五、 教学过程
step 1
free talk
step 2
step3 learn to say
step 4
learn a song
step 5
step 6
assign homework
t: class begins.
t: hello, boys and girls.
1. t: hello, i’m miss li. what’s your name?(可用中文稍做解释,帮助学生听懂)
t: oh, you’re … nice to meet you.
2. t:(拿出2个木偶)look, they are my good friends.(模仿小木偶的口气表演) hello, i’mweiwei. hello,i’m dongdong.
t: let’s speak english with weiwei and dongdong, ok?
1. t: when we meet someone, we should say “hello/ hi “ now, let’s watch and listen. (播放课文对话)。
t: what did they say to each other?
2. 认识mike 和su hai.
t: this is …
3.t: good, now, read after me.
i’m … hello, hello
t: hello, i’m micky.
t: hello, i’m jerry.
1. 用英语向同学/爸爸妈妈介绍自己。
2. 听录音,跟读。
ss (stand up)
ss: hello, miss li.
ss:i’m …
ss: (在教师的启发下) hello, weiwei. hello, dongdong.
ss: ok.
watch carefully.
ss: (在教师的启发下)hello, i’m…
ss: mike.
ss: su hai.
ss: (跟读)
ss: listen then sing together
ss: hello, micky.
ss: hello. jerry.
s1: hello, i’m liuyang.
s2: hello, i’m …
… …
鼓励学生用i’m… 介绍自己
观看一段卡通对话,再次加深对话“ hello, i’m…”印象。
认识两个新朋友,mike , su hai.
unit 1 hello
hello! su hai
i’m… …
hi! mike
1A Unit 1 Hello 篇3
一、课题: unit 1 a learn to say. 第一课时
1. 能听懂、会说hello / hi ,i’m…,并能应用在进行朋友间的打招呼上,会用what’s your name?询问对方的名字。
2. 能准确地进行本课英语的表达,语音正确。
3. 在教学活动中培养学生学习英语的兴趣。
重点:日常交际用语:hello / hi, i’m…
难点:用what’s your name?询问对方的名字。
⒈ hello, i’m…
t: well! 我们现在是朋友了,我想和你们认识一下。
unit 1 hello (板书)
t: hello, i’m mr sun.. s: hello, i’m…
hello, i’m…你好,我是…。 (板书)
t: 我们在自我介绍的时候,可以这么介绍自己i’m某某某,只要在i’m的后面加上自己的名字就可以了。
so read after me” i’m”,我们在发m这个音的时候,嘴要并起来,look!此处教师要特别注意m的发音,练习时可以用“开火车”的方法。
t: very good! 现在我想和大家认识一下。hello, i’m mr sun.
s: hello, i’m … t: good job! now let’s practice in pairs.t: now show time , t: 我们在打招呼的时候,也可以用hi代替hello,我们再用hi 来表演。
hi/hello, i’m…你好,我是…。 (板书)
⒉ what’s your name?
t: good! hello, i’m mr sun. what’s your name?
what’s your name? (板书)谁来猜猜what’s your name?的意思。
s: …可由两、三个学生猜度,如果没有猜中,就应该由教师指出其意义,不可拖延。
t: 这句话就是你叫什么名字的意思。
what’s your name? (板书) 你叫什么名字?
t: now read after me “name“.此处教师要注意n和m发音的区别: n是咬舌音,now look !“your name” 此处教师要注意[c:]的发音。“what’s your name?”
hello, i’m mr sun. what’s your name?
-i’m… 我叫…… 与十个左右的学生对练之后,可以由同座位先练习,然后表演。
t: well down! 同样在这里hello可以由hi代替,我再请同学用hi试试.
t: 现在我们已经彼此认识,所以在我们遇到时就可以直呼对方的姓名打招呼 .hello, …
s: hello, mr sun. 可邀请几个学生进行练习,非同座位的。
⒊ learn to say
t: let’s turn to page 6, look at the picture 1. there’re two boys, one is liu tao, and another is david.
read after me “david”.此处教师要注意[a]音的教学。其后各个对话还要注意nancy的发音。
t: 今天我们学习了如何与人用英语打招呼和询问姓名。 如果我和你早晨在学校碰面要怎么打招呼?
s: hello, mr sun. t: good, any others? 还有什么其他的表达方式吗?
s: hi, mr sun.t: yah! 如果你和我是初次见面,如何询问我的姓名?
s: hello, i’m… what’s your name? t: excellent! 我们怎么回答?
s: i’m… t: yes, well done!
t: you are doing so well, so class is over.
unit 1 hello
-hi/hello, i’m… 你好,我是…。
what’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
-i’m… 我叫……
一、课题: 3a unit 1 b look and learn
1、 能听懂、会说8个新单词。做到看到(听到)单词能说出动物的名称或看到动物图片可以说出其英文。
2、 能了解a和an的区别。
3、 通过游戏培养学生对英语的兴趣,逐渐使他们乐于学英语。
重点:bird, dog, cat, monkey, elephant, zebra, panda, tiger的读音。
难点:cat ,elephant ,zebra 的读音、 a和an的区别
1. free talk and motivation
⑴ song t: hello, everyone! s: hello, mr sun! t: first let’s sing the song ”hello”. now turn to page 11. 教师可同时板书标题。
t: now turn to page 6. let’s read it together.
⑶practice dialogues
t: who can read? 教师抽读对话。
2. new words
⑴zebra, elephant, bird, monkey
t: today we’ll meet some animals. look at the picture 1.
教师出示图片1,斑马 s: 斑马
t: i’m zebra. read after me “zebra” zebr 斑马 a zebra 斑马
t: next, what can you see?
s:大象 .t :elephant elephant an elephant 大象 注意这里是an.
t: let’s continue. s: 是小鸟
t: yes. so “bird”bird a bird [b[:d] 鸟 [b[:d] 鸟
t: next!
s: 猴子
t: good! so read after me “monkey” monkey a monkey [mqnki] 猴子 [mqnki] 猴子
教师在进行单词教学时,应该调动学生的身体语言。t: 我们一起来做做动作。
t: game time! 我说你们做动作。
⑵panda, dog, tiger, cat
t: let’s continue.
s:是大熊猫 t: yes! “panda”
panda a panda [pand 大熊猫 [pand 大熊猫 教师拿出图片。
s: 是小猫。
t: good! so “cat” cat ,a cat [kat] 猫 [kat] 教师拿出图片。
t: look, what can you see? s: 老虎
t: well done! read after me “tiger”. tiger a tiger [taig 老虎
t:the last one教师拿出图片。
s: 狗
t: yes, ”dog” dog a dog [dcg] 狗 [dcg] 狗
⑶t: read when i point to.
⑷t: now let’s read with the tape, turn to page 8.
1A Unit 1 Hello 篇4
unit 1 hello
教学内容:认识三个人物,su hai ,wang bing ,helen 。
问候语hello ,hi
教学目标:能够认识三个人物,见面会用hello,hi 和别人打招呼。
教学重难点:会说hello ,hi ,认识三个人物。
教学过程:一 warming up
t :class begins
ss :stand up!
t :good morning ,class。
ss :good morning ,teacher。
t :sit down,please!
二 presentation
t :小朋友坐的真好,老师决定给大家介绍几个新朋友,大家想认识他们吗?
t : 想知道他叫什么名字吗?想知道他们长什么样吗?
ss: 想
t : 老师从书中慢慢抽出头饰,先露出头发,依次眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴,整个象头像。老师让学生看清楚他长什么样?头发什么颜色?眼睛什么颜色?短头 发还是长头发?
t :wang bing 。
ss:wang bing。
t :我们认识了新朋友,和新朋友问声好吧。hello ,wang bing !
ss :hello ,wang bing 。
t :向我们的同桌问好。
同样方法学习 hellen ,su hai
三 practise
1 让学生到黑板前进行角色扮演,戴上头饰。坐着的学生向讲台前学生问好。
s : hello ,。。。 ss : hello ,su hai /wang bing /hellen 。
t :我们见到同学,老师可以说hello,除了hello 还可以说 hi 。
教授 hi 。
(练习 hi, su hai /wang bing /hellen )
2 打开电脑 :出现小动物 ,让学生和动物们问好,以巩固所学的hello,hi 。
教学后记:本节课内容很少而且简单,学生对于认识新朋友很感兴趣,所以人物很快就认识了,但是孩子对中国小孩的名字很容易就记得,而外国的hellen却是练习很多才记得,发音也是个难点。对于问候语学生能够见到同学老师说出 hello ,hi。估计长久的说才能形成习惯。
unit 1 hello
教学内容:新人物 mike ,句子 i'm 。。。《hello》song
教学目标:会用i'm。。。自我介绍。能认识新朋友 mike 。会唱歌曲。
教学重难点:会说 i'm 。。。会唱《hello》。
教具准备: 小孩头饰,卡纸,cai。
教学过程:一 warming up
t :good afternoon, class.
ss:good afternoon, teacher.
t: i want to see who's remember is good.
who is she?
t :who is he?
ss:wang bing
t :what's her name?
ss:su hai.
二 presentation
1 t :today,i invite mike to our classrooom。
he will be our new friend。
t :teach :mike
ss:follow teacher
(read in group,boys girls )
ss:hello,mike ,hi ,mike 。
2 cai 电脑中出现mike,他向大家介绍自己,hello,i 'm mike 。
t :teach i'm ...
t :let some students to introduce themselves.
ss:hello, i'm ...
3 《hello》song
1 let students listen to the tape three times ,then sing after teacher sentence by sentence.
2 ask ss to try to sing the song sentence by sentence, one by one.
3 ask one student to sing the first sentence,the others to sing the next sentence. one by one.
4 sing after the teacher wholely.
5 sing after the tape together.
三 homework
sing the song《hello》to parents。
introduce them self to parents.
1A Unit 1 Hello 篇5
1 teaching aims
a.sentences: greeting and farewells:
c.2hi. 3 good morning.4 good afternoon. 5 i’m6what’s your name? 7how old are you?
d. words: zero, one, two, three, four, five, sixseven, eight, nine, ten.
2 difficult and important points:
a.remember the words
3 teaching tools
a. cards. b. tape recorder.
4 period: three
the first period
1.teaching aims
a. letters: aa, bb
b. words:peter , bob, sally ,nancy, miss han
c. sentences: greetings
2.difficult and important aims.
use the sentences
3.teaching courses
greeting: hello , boys and girls .
new lessons
1) tell students a story about english (let the students know the importance of english and want to learn english well)
2) teacher: introduce myself
i'm miss teng
3) follow me :i'm…
4) students greeting: hello. hi.
5) practice this in pairs ,then in groups.
6) introduce our friends
look at the picture
make a rhyme:
peter, peter, peter,
i am peter.
bob, bob, bob,
i am bob.
sally, sally ,sally
i am sally.
nancy, nancy, nancy (using students’ names to practise will be better.)
i am nancy.
7) study the letters use the letter cards
a. read after the teacher.
b. write aa, bb on the blackboard.(let the students write after the teacher, pay attention to how to write.)
8)summing up: letters and greetings.
writing designs
unit 1
aa ,bb
good morning .i’m
the second period
teaching aims
letters : cc, dd.
sentences: good morning.good afternoon.
difficult and important points:
letters and using the sentences.]
teaching courses:
1.revision: act out a dialogue
sing an english song :i’m
2.new lessons
new sentences
a. draw a watch , write time ,learn greeting (change with a clock)
good morning.
good afternoon.
b. play a game : using the watch, teacher says names, students say sentences.
c. teaching picture, play the tape ,ss read after tape.
d. sing an english song: good morning
e. open the books, ss read after the teacher.
f. learn the letters: cc, dd.
pay attention to the writing and pronunciation.
make an english song.
practice in pairs, then in groups.
listen to the recorder three times.
summing-up: greeting and letters.
homework: make letter cards.
the third period
teaching objectives
1.go over the letters: aa , bb ,cc ,dd
2.using the sentences
difficult and important points
teaching courses
1.revision: a. act out a dialogue.
b. sing an english song. good morning.
c. make a new song, good afternoon.
3.practice: a. look and make, stick a photo on a card, then write the name under the photo.
b. use the card and introduce themselves in groups.
listening: listen to the recorder, read and sing after it .
4.summing-up: dialogue
the fourth period
teaching objectives:
1.go over the letters and words.
2.using the dialogue.
type: revision
teaching courses
1.greeting and sing an english song.
a.take out a picture, look at it and make a dialogue, act it out in groups.
b.play a game.
c.sing an english song.
d. do exercises on page4. (do exercises on workbook.)
a.listen to the recorder.
b.make an english song.
c.act out a dialogue with english names.
4.summing-up: study greeting.
the fifth period
teaching objectives
1.go over unit1
2.go over the dialogues
type: revision
teaching courses
1.pre-class diagnosis
a.greeting and sing an english song.
b.touch cards and say it.
a.take out teaching picture , let students look and say.
b.practice dialogue: what’s your name?
how old are you?
i’m ten
3.play a game: guess name, guess age.
4.sing an english rhyme: ten balls
5.practice: a. listen to the recorder.
b. make a dialogue: introduce oneself
6.summing-up: practice.
课后反思:it’s the first time for most students to touch english. most of them are in high spirits .the teacher should let the students keep this and last it for ever .
3a unit1 hello 来自第一范文网。
1A Unit 1 Hello 篇6
《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书·牛津小学英语》3a 第一单元 第四教时(教科第
8页): a cat, a m, a panda, a tiger
1) 知识目标: 能听懂、会说四个新单词:a cat, a m, a panda, a tiger。
2) 技能目标:能够看到(听到)单词
能说出动物的名称或看到动物图片可以说出其英文。复习前面所讲的四个单词:a bird, a dog, an elephant, a zebra
step 1.free talk and motivation (8分钟)
t: what can you see ?
ss: a cat ./ a dog……
t: good. l ook, i have some animals (动物头饰)
t: hello, i’m a dog!(做狗的动作) what’s your name?
s: hello, i’m a bird.!(做鸟飞的动作)。
2. make dialogues by groups.(学生分组进行对话)
①sing a song“hello”
②如:s1: hello, i’m an elephant!(做大象的动作) what’s your name?
s2: hello, i’m a zebra!
(3)say a chant like this :
cat , cat , i’m a cat
dog , dog , i’m a dog.
zebra , zebra , i’m a zebra
elephant , elephant , i’m an elephant(拍手打节奏)
step 2.presentation and practice 20(分钟)
1. 出示猴子的图片。
t: what can you see ?
ss: 猴子。
t: good! (出示猴子的图片) this is a m. [m?nki] 猴子[m?nki] [m?nki] [m?nki],m. then ask the students to read this word one by one (or group).
2. t: now listen , what’s this?(播放老虎的叫声)
s; 老虎。
t: very good!
show a picture of a tiger.(出示老虎的图片) teach the students the word .( read and spell)
t: read after me : [taig?] 老虎 [taig?] [taig?] [taig?] tiger (出示幻灯片,图片、单词)
then ask the students to read this word one by one (or group)
read the chant: tiger tiger tiger , i’m a tiger .( 拍手打节奏并作出相应的动作)
then read the chant by groups.(分小组朗读韵律诗)and check them ,if they make any mistakes ,correct it directly.
t: what can you hear ?
ss: a bird. good! show a picture of a bird.(出示鸟的图片) teach the students the word .( read and spell) (同法讲解单词 bird)
4.出示熊猫的图片,问:what’s this in chinese(用中文回答)?
ss: 熊猫。
t:good! show a picture of a panda.(出示熊猫的图片) teach the students the word .( read and spell) (同法讲解单词 panda)
step 3.consolidation (5分钟)
read and review all the words that have learned. say the chant:
你拍一, 我拍一 ,活泼可爱是m,
你拍二, 我拍二, cat , cat 是喵--喵--喵,
你拍三, 我拍三, elephant耳朵是蒲扇,
你拍四, 我拍四,你看panda走钢丝,
你拍五, 我拍五, tiger tiger 是老虎,
你拍六, 我拍六, bird,bird,鸣啾啾,
你拍七, 我拍七 ,zebra身穿条纹衣,
你拍八, 我拍八, dog ,dog摇尾巴。
step 4. homework (4分钟)
a bird (鸟) a bird a bird a bird
a tiger (老虎) a tiger a tiger a tiger
a panda (熊猫)a panda a panda a panda
a m (猴子)a m a m a m
unit 1 hello
a bird (鸟) 图片
a tiger (老虎) 图片
a panda (熊猫) 图片
a monkey (猴子) 图片
1A Unit 1 Hello 篇7
unit1 hello (the first period)
1.learn to say :hi /hello ,i’m …
a. t: if you want to introduce yourself to others ,you should say : hi ,i’m …/hello ,i’m…
b. read after the t.
hi ,i’m… /hello ,i’m…
c. practice :
t& s s&s group work .
work in pairs .
d. check .
2.learn to say:what’s your name?
a. the teacher wears the mask (david ): hello,i’m david ,what’s your name?
the student answers :hello ,i’m…
b. read after the t: what’s your name?
pronounce : name [ei]
c. ask and answer : what’s your name?
d. check .
step 3 break : listen to the song “hello!”
step4 consolidation:
1. the t shows the masks (david ,liu tao, yangling ,mike ,nancy ) : please introduce yourself to them and ask“what’s your name?”
e.g hi ,i’m … ,what's your name?
hello, i’m …
2.play a game: what’s your name?
the ss are divided for several groups .in each group ,the ss ask and answer one by one .
e.g sa: hi ,i’m … what’s your name?
sb: hi ,i’m … (sa&sb clap their hands )
sb :hi, i’m … what’s your name?
sc: hi ,i’m …
(sb&sc clap their hands )
3.listen to the tape and repeat .