首页英语教案小学一年级英语教案Oxford English Book 1A Unit(通用7篇)

Oxford English Book 1A Unit(通用7篇)

Oxford English Book 1A Unit(通用7篇)

Oxford English Book 1A Unit 篇1


  book 1a  unit 2 b教案第一教时上海市师范专科附属小学  傅燕 一、教学说明:1.通过一个单元的学习,师生和生生之间已渐渐熟悉,他们对学习英语有了一些热情。2.本课除了继续学习打招呼和学习用品外,还让学生学习如何介绍自己和朋友。3.学生会更熟练地和他人打招呼,但对于介绍自己和他人有一定的难度。二、教学内容1)认知内容:a.能向他人打招呼和学会介绍自己:      .  hello, i’m may.  hello, may.b.能向他人介绍自己的朋友:hi, may.  this is tim.c.在学习和生活中会礼貌地向他人借用物品:give me a ruler/rubber, please.    2)能力要求:      在学习和生活中能主动和他人打招呼,会向他人介绍自己和朋友。3)情感态度:   通过问候和介绍结识朋友,让学生要有礼貌,要善于交朋友。 三、教学步骤:procedurescontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up 1.sing the song in a circle by actions.<good morning> 2.greetings.e.g.: hello, hi, how are you? (t—s  s---s)让学生围成圆圈唱歌,并配以一定的动作,活跃了课堂气氛。 通过师生和生生之间进行打招呼的练习,既巩固旧知,又为引出新知作[铺垫。ii.while-task procedure:1 sentences  teaching:hi, may. this is tim.       1 show a cartoon toy and say ‘hi, …’ to individual students in his tones: hi,…2 mime the toy and say ‘let me introduce my friend. this is …(t’ name)to elicit ‘hello/ hi …’3 let students introduce his friend s1: hi/ hello,… this is …s: hi/hello…4 show some people eg: tianliang, liuxiang to let students introduce.    通过卡通人物吸引学生的兴趣,由浅到难逐渐教授新句,便于学生接受和掌握。2 sentences teaching:hello, i’m may.hello, may.   1.say ‘ hello, i’m…...’to individual students.to elicit ‘ hello, (t’s name).’then exchange.2 show the picture of tianliang and let children mime him.s1: hello, i’m tianliangs2: hello, tianliang .s1: hello,i’m (s’name)s2: hello, (s’ name) (show other people and let them introduce and greet)3. put up the wall chart,let students listen to the tape and repeat on page 8     出示获得奥运金牌的人物,让学生进行模仿和介绍,使这些内容贴近实际生活,便于学生理解和掌握iii.post-task activity:acting 1 encourage students act out the charts 2 substituting with their own names and act .in small groups. 可以加入前面所学的问候语,和同学表演的过程中培养了学生的合作精神和创造能力。v. assignment:listening,speaking and reading.1.listen to the tape on page 7,8. and read it.2.introduce one people or  toy to your parents.模仿录音的语音语调是必不可少的,让学生在与家长的交流中巩固所学的知识。 四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:挂图,卡通玩具,录音机,人物图片等2.教学关注点:1) 用 ‘this is …’ 介绍朋友对于学生来说是一个难点,要设置不同的情境以不同形式进行操练。2) 让学生理解如何介绍他人和自己,会在实际情况中使用。3.资料分享:在小博士唱歌学英语中有一首歌 ‘hello, hello’ 让学生听唱,可以用所学内容改变原有歌词,达到巩固的目的。4.设计思路: 1) 以学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,循序渐进,提高课堂教学效果。 2) 通过小组表演整合所学的有关问候和介绍的内容,培养学生的表现欲,创造精神和合作能力。    book 1a  unit 2 b 教案)第二教时上海市师范专科附属小学  傅燕 一、教学说明:1 让学生继续复习学习用品外,还要学习如何礼貌地向他人借用学习用品。2 与第一单元所学的课堂用语整合起来,让学生在具体的情境中学会如何运用。二、教学内容1)认知内容:a 复习所学的学习用品 rubber, ruler 等b.在学习和生活中会礼貌地向他人借用物品:give me a ruler/rubber, please.    2)能力要求:      能用其它学习用品替换祈使句,在学习和生活中会实际运用。3)情感态度:   学会如何礼貌地向他人借用学习用品,培养学生热情助人的好品质。 三、教学步骤:procedurescontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up 1.greeting and introducinge.g.: t: hello, i’m lisa.s: hello, lisa. (t---s  s---s)  2 listen and sing the song by actions.<pen and pencil> 通过不同的形式进行问候和介绍的复习,有助学生的记忆。  唱歌不仅活跃了课堂气氛,还起到复习和铺垫的作用。 ii.while-task procedure:1 sentences teaching:give me a rubber/ ruler, please.       1 let the children say the stationeries in the song .teacher shows the word cards.2 show the box full with stationeries, let a student  play a game with you.t: a rubber, please.s : ( take a rubber out)t: give me a rubber, please.s: (give it to the teacher)3 read the sentence and do the action.t---s   s----s4 put up the chart and make a situation eg:t: sam and his classmates are drawing.but he hasn’t got a rubber..what  does he say to the girl?( give me a rubber, please.’ )5 let children be polite . let them say‘ here you are.’ ‘thank you.’6 let students act the dialogue between ann and tom.      通过师生之间的游戏引出新知,激发学生的学习兴趣。         让学生在情境中学习知识,便于学生理解和掌握。   这些礼貌用语根据本学生的实际情况进行教授2 consolidation  1.follow the tape by the actions.2 students act it in pairs. 跟读录音,小组之间进行操练,有助于纠正学生的发音iii.post-task activity:making a dialogue. 1 hold up different stationeries to let students make new sentences.2 encourage students act out a dialogue in small groups  在和同学表演的过程中培养了学生的合作精神和创造能力。v. assignment:listening,speaking and reading.1.listen and read after the tape on page 7.2 make a dialogue with your friend.模仿录音的语音语调是必不可少的,让学生在与朋友的交流中巩固所学的知识,还能增进感情。四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:挂图,单词卡片,录音机,盒子和学习用品的实物等2.教学关注点:1)关注学生对于某些单词的发音,特别是 ‘give’, ‘ me’ ‘please’ 的发音。2)通过学生感兴趣的活动, 让他们在活动中用英语和他人交流,提高语言的运用能力。3.资料分享:在小博士唱歌学英语中有一首歌 ‘pen and pencil ‘, 让学生听唱,可以巩固所学知识,还可以拓展新知。4.设计思路: 1) 由歌曲和游戏引出所学内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,通过情境教学巩固所学内容。 2) 在情境中穿插其它知识,例如pencil-box, here you are, thank you.等单词和句子的教授,起到了拓展的作用。 book 1a  unit 2 b教案)第三教时上海市师范专科附属小学  傅燕 一、教学说明:1 大部分学生已经能用英语和老师、同学打招呼,会自我介绍和介绍他人。2 很多学生会用英语说出自己的学习用品,在入学前也学过一些数字,例如 ‘ one, two, three’ 等,但对于单词是陌生的,也不懂单词的单复数。3 让学生在编儿歌中巩固数字,同时也起到了复习和铺垫的作用。二、教学内容1)认知内容:a.        单词one, two, three, four, five, six 达到“三会”要求。         b.初步会用数字和学习用品编儿歌eg: one, two, three/ it’s a bag./ four, five, six/ pick up pencils.    2)能力要求:在学习和生活中能用所学的数字来数东西并能告诉他人 eg: three pens.3)情感态度:    学会用数字来表达周围所见到的东西,启迪学生的主体意识。三、教学步骤:procedurescontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up 1 do a tpr activity.e.g.: boys, say ‘hello’ to me and give me a bag, please.girls, say ‘ hi’ to rose and introduce … to her.2 students say and act in pairs or groups.eg: ---hi, rose. this is jake.---hello, i’m may.---hello, may.--- give me a pen, please,--- here you are.把学过的动作命令串起来,让学生在说说做做中熟练运用句型。让学生在表演中巩固所学知识,情境复习能让他们更好地理解句意,便于他们在实际生活中运用。ii.while-task procedure:1 words teaching: one, two, three.  1.show six word cards on p4say and step my feet:one, two, three, it’s a bag.one, two, three, it’s a pencil...let students say after you.2.say and act the rhyme again. let students say and act better.3.show the word cards and read.4.listen and read after the tape. 5.quick response.通过韵律诗引出单词,在教学单词的过程中,既轻松地学会了诗,也掌握了单词。        在快速反应的游戏中让学生巩固单词。2 words teaching:four, five six.     1. show a toy and mime its tone, say ‘four, five six, pick up pens…’2 exaggerate the action of  ‘pick up’ to let them know the meaning and do after you.3 show the word cards and read.4.listen and read after the tape. 5. a compitition. who says and acts the rhyme best?       建议教师在学生之间操练熟练的基础上进行比赛,看看谁的表演最棒。3 say the whole rhyme show the number cards and let students say and act the rhyme.eg: one, two, three, it’s a bagfour, five six, pick up pens.表演韵律诗,在轻松愉快的氛围中既巩固了单词,又培养了学生的创造精神和表现欲。 iii.post-task activity: review the numbers1 show the pictures to students to let them count.eg: five hamburgers, two dogs…2 show the picture and say the telephone number in groups. eg: 121, 110,119…通过让学生数感兴趣的东西和读出电话号码,培养学生用英语来解决实际问题的能力。 v. assignment:listening and speaking1.listen to the tape, say and act page 9.2. act a  rhyme to your family让学生在与家人的活动中学习英语,分享学习英语的快乐。  四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:录音机,单词卡片,图片,玩具 2.教学关注点:1) 关注学生对于单词的认读,特别是three中th的发音2) 关注学生在朗读韵律诗的语音语调,培养学生对于英语的语感。3) 读单词时用不同的音高或音调来操练单词和词组;如:low / high / soft / tender, the baby says,  the tiger says……3.资料分享: 小博士英语歌曲中有一首 ‘ morning exercises’ , 里面有 one 到 eight 八个数字,可以作为复习数字时使用,而且有一定的拓展。4.设计思路:1)  韵律诗的学习引出单词,让学生通过韵律诗的朗读和表演巩固单词,为学习11页的儿歌作好铺垫2)  用学生喜欢的图片和熟悉的电话号码来巩固单词,培养学生用英语来解决实际问题的能力。 book 1a  unit2 b教案)第四教时上海市师范专科附属小学  傅燕 一、教学说明:1. 现在生生和师生之间是非常熟悉了,学生会说一些简单的英语了,学习英语的热情更加高涨了2.本课是继续学习有关数字和韵律诗,新增了祈使句的内容:show me/clap/ say…..让学生在祈使句的操练中继续巩固数字二、教学内容1)认知内容:a.会说并能听懂祈使句show me/clap/ say…..b .掌握 ‘how many’ 的用法, 并会用所学数字来回答。 c.能流利地表演儿歌。    2)能力要求:在学习和生活中能用所学数字来表达周围所见到的东西,同时对相关的祈使句做出反应;能用其它数字和物品替换操练儿歌3)情感态度: 在吟诵儿歌的过程中体验学习英语的快乐,同时学会爱护绿化。三、教学步骤:procedurescontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up 1.show a book and some rulers, let the children say the rhyme.eg: one, two, three, it’s a book/ four, five, six, pick up rulers.2 put some pictures and word cards on the board , let the students make a match.大多数学生已经会唱歌曲,这时可以配上动作让学生更能体会歌曲的含义。把学过的动作命令串起来,让学生在说说做做中熟练运用句型。ii.while-task procedure:1 commands teaching:show me/clap/ say one,two, three…                1.show my hand, put up one finger and say ‘show me one’, students copy. continue with ‘two’ ‘three’...with their copying.2.show the number cards and say ‘show me…’, students say and act.3 clap and say ‘one, two three….children say the numbers only.4 students say and clap ‘one, two, three…’5.quick response.(t---s   s----s )eg: show me seven.clap eight.  say nine/ ten.6.listen to the tape and repeat on page 10.     学生通过教师的示范和动作,可以基本了解show me/ clap/say的含义。     通过师生、生生之间的快速反应既能检查学生的学习效果,又活跃了课堂气氛。2 ask and answer:how many…?1 show a box and guess‘ how many books/rules…’children guess.2 do group workt: give me pens, please.s1: how many pens?s2 three. 循序渐进,让学生在小组活动中复习所学内容,培养了学生的合作精神和交际能力。3 a rhyme     1 put up the wallchart.

  .listen to the tape and identify ‘ tree’ and ‘sticks’ 2.follow the tape by the actions.3.students present the rhyme in groups or in pairs. 这首儿歌在上节课中已作了铺垫,让学生在熟悉的韵律中学习这首儿歌,就变得较为容易。iii.post-task activity:making a new rhyme. encourage students act out the rhyme in pairs or small groups by using the new words.在编新儿歌中学生的创造能力和合作精神都得到了提高。v. assignment:listening,speaking and acting.1.listen to the tape on page 10,112.present the  rhyme to your family向父母展示自己所学的儿歌,进一步激发学生学习英语的乐趣。  四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:单词卡片,图片,录音机,盒子,学习用品等2.教学关注点:1) 让学生加强对数字的敏感度,能做到快速反应。2) ‘how many…’的问答是个难点,让学生在具体的情景中加以训练。3)关注儿歌的语音语调,让学生学会声情并茂地朗读和表演儿歌。3.资料分享:小博士英语歌曲中有一首 ‘ morning exercises’ , 歌词是一首关于数字的韵律诗,也可以将歌词稍作修改,让学生进行朗读和表演。 4.设计思路:1) 通过儿歌的学习和再创造来巩固所学单词和拓展新词,使学生以轻松的形式来学习英语。2) 充分挖掘学生已有的能力,包括英语知识和智力潜能,在完成一个个任务型活动中提高学生综合能力。

Oxford English Book 1A Unit 篇2

  (为了方便大家,本人将各课时分页了,请点"下一页"或页码阅读) the first period上海市试验小学  陈怡一.        教学说明1.            今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。2.            班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.        教学内容1.            认知内容:能听懂会说good morning. –how do you do? –how are you?-fine, thank you. –hello! 等问候语。2.            能力要求:学会用-good morning. –how do you do? –how are you?-fine, thank you. –hello! 来问候和交流。3.            情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了解和友谊。 三.        教学步骤procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparationwarmerenjoy the song of page 6.歌曲缓解了小朋友第一次上课的紧张心理。让他们对这首歌曲旋律歌词有初步感知。while-task procedure1.      introductiongood morning.how do you do?1.      t: i am frieda. i am your teacher. this is my friend, cici.(t takes out a puppet.) 2.      use the puppet to elicit the greetings.玩偶玩偶的出现既吸引了小朋友的注意力,又便于新授对话的引出和示范。 2.imitation good morning.how do you do?1.      teacher greets children with a warm embrace or handshake. eg.t:  i’m frieda.p1: i’m lucy.t: good morning.(how do you do?)p1: good morning. (how do you do?) t—ps2. encourage the individuals to introduce themselves and greet with the class. p1: i’m kitty. good morning.ps: good morning, kitty.p2: i’m jack. how do you do?ps: how do you do, jack?老师和小朋友抱一抱,握握手,一下子拉近了师生间的距离。由于这两句问候的上下句是相同的,所以学生在模仿中就能和老师进行交流问候了。    让小朋友在问候中渐渐熟悉同伴们的英文名字。 3.getting to know you.t: ask pupils to greet their groupmates .ps: do the groupwork.学生可以根据自己的能力选择一个到两个句子和其他同学进行问候交流。 4.introductionhow are you?fine, thank you. 5.  imitationhow are you?fine, thank you.1.      enjoy the english song.<hello.hello.how are you?>2.      t: use the puppet to elicit : cici, cici. how are you? fine. fine. thank you.3.      pupils listen and follow the teacher.4.      encourage the more able students to practice with the teacher.5.      practise in pairs.6.      practise the drill around the class.p1: how are you?p2: fine, thank you.how are you?p3: fine, thank you.   how are you? (to p4)歌曲为下面的新授做伏笔。  可用响板为句子朗读打节奏,使句子的学习变得趣味十足。    利用多种形式的操练有层次的学习句型。 6. song1.      listen to the song. <hello.hello. how are you?>2.encourage children to sing together.在轻松快乐的歌曲中有效的巩固今天所学的句型 post-task activityactivity: make friends.encourage the children to make the friends in the class. e.g. --good morning. i’m jane.     --i’m may. good morning.      --how are you?     --fine, thank you.让学生用今天所学的句子与新同学交朋友,让小朋友们在相互的交流和合作中丰富巩固自己的知识。assignment1.      read page 3 after the tape2.      listen to the song (p6) and try to follow it. 四 、教学提示1.            媒体准备:玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带2.            教学关注点:本课中的句子例如:how are you ? fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。1)            注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶;2)            在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子;3)   多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。3.   资源分享:九年义务教学课本3a有配套的歌曲:如<hello, how are you?>   4.     设计思路:1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步步的学习,这样学起来既轻松又有成效。3)            由于let’s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。  5.            教学反思:1)     句型最好板书出示,加以认读。加强音和形的联系。2) 对于一些英语课堂用语可以进行提前感知,为下节课的学习做伏笔。 oxford english book 1a unit 1 (the second period)上海市试验小学  陈怡 四.        教学说明1.            通过第一课时的学习,学生能用good morning. how do you do? how are you? 来问候和交流。2.            通过了解发现班中有6名同学在入学前曾系统地学过2到3年的英语, 16名学生学过一些简单的英语单词和句子。8名同学从未接触过英语。因此, 学生在起始年级就已经出现了知识的分化。五.        教学内容1.            认知内容:1)  学会用book, bag, pencil-box 等单词来表述单词。2)  能听懂指令: stand up, please. sit down, please. 并能做出反应。3)学会祈使句: open your ____. close your ____. 并能用所学的单词结合本句型给出指令。2.    能力要求:      学会用祈使句来表述自己的意愿。3.   情感态度:      能礼貌地使用祈使句 六.        教学步骤procedurescontentsmethodspurpose1.pre-task preparation1.warmerps: sing the song: <hello, hello , how are you? >通过歌曲帮助学生复习已有知识,并让学生快速进入学习状态。2.greetingsgood morning.how are you?how do you do?1.      t: greet the children with a handshake or embrace.2.      encourage the children to great each other.在师生之间,学生之间的问候交流时,完成了对上节课知识的复习。3.listen and act1.            t: ask the children to listen and follow the teacher. now let’s do some exercises. hands up. hands dwon. legs up. legs down. arms up. arms down. stand up. stand down.2.            t: stand up, please. sit down, please. teacher repeats several times and asks the children to stand up and sit down. 请小朋友跟着老师“听听做做”。即可加大语言输入量,又加深学生对up, down的感知。          在听听做做中感知句子的含义。while-task procedure2.      introduction new wordsbag book 3.      listen and try to follow the english song <good morning, teacher>.  4.      to elicit the new words: book, bag.玩偶借助歌曲,以边听边唱的形式引出本课新单词。 2.imitationbagbook2.      ask children to follow the new words.3.      encourage the individuals to change their voices and say the words. 4.      read the words.学生通过机械模仿熟悉新单词。在跟读之后,出示单词,进行认读。 3.learn the word:pencil-box.1.      t: guess. what’s in the bag? to elicit the word: pencil-box.2.      say and read the word pencil-box是学生最常见的文具,所以做为拓展单词教学。 4.consolidationbag, bookpencil-box7.      look at the picture and say the words8.      read the words9.      match the pictures and words10. quick responset: take your bookps: take my book. ( raise their books).通过单词和图片的配对,培养学生认读能力对单词进行复习和巩固,为下面新授句型打好基础。 11. introduction: open your____ close your____2.      teacher does the actions and say the following sentences:open  the door.close the door.open the window.close the window.open your book.close your book.open your bag.close your bag.通过教师的语言和动作,让小朋友充分感知close和open两词的含义。  12. imitation:open your____close your____1.        t: ask pupils to follow2.        t: ask children to follow the sentences with the gesture3.        encourage the pupils to change the sentences with other wordseg. open your pencil-boxclose your school bag学生通过机械性的模仿,熟悉新句型的基本结构和表达方式。动作可以加深学生对这对动词反义词的记忆和区分。 把操练活动带入意义性操练阶段。 13. activitywho is the best little teacher? 1.      ask some more able pupils to order the commands. the others try to follow and act.eg. p1:open your bookp2:open my book.2.      choose the best little teacher, award him/her a star.这样的活动为学生创设了一个鲜活的语言环境。即充分调动了more able students表现英语的欲望,又给其他同学多一些练习的机会。 14. let’s act1.      read page 2 after the tape.2.      encourage the children to act it out with the deskmates.通过同学间的合作、互助,努力缓解差异造成的成效不一。post-task activity1.game: simon says.1.      t: order the commandsps: do the action2.      do the pair-work通过游戏巩固所学句型。 2. song.(p6)sing the song together. assignment3.      read page 2 after the tape4.      act p2 with the friends or parents. 五、教学提示a)      媒体准备:单词卡片,图片,书,包,铅笔盒,录音机b)      教学关注点:a)本课成对出现的动词反义词: open/close stand up/sit down 学生学习时容易混淆动词的含义。 建议学生在练习这些动词和句子时配上动作加以记忆和区分。b)注意纠正学生说句子时的语音语调, 防止拖音现象的发生。c)注意让学生在一定的情景中学习,使用祈使句。d)注意整体认读单词:pen, pencil, pencil-box3. 设计思路:a)对本课中教授的两组祈使句,没有面面俱到,而是做了详略处理。对于stand up please. sit down, please这样的日常课堂用语,只要多用就会了,所以不必花大量的时间在机械训练上。所以本课时只做感知和理解的要求。b)在引出两组祈使句时,教师有意识地输入大量的句子。既有助于学生对新句子的理解,又扩大了课堂英语输入量。4.教学反思:本课对学生能力拓展的训练不够。如有条件的话,可设计一些生活化的情景让小朋友灵活运用所学句型。 oxford english book 1a unit 1 (the third period)上海市试验小学  陈怡 一.        教学说明1.            通过前两课时的学习,学生已经能用good morning. how do you do? how are you? 来问候和交流。能听懂简单的课堂用语,并能正确反应。2.            由于学生在入学前接受英语学习的情况不一,所以导致了学生间知识水平的参差不齐。但令人高兴的是所有的小朋友都对英语表现出浓厚的学习兴趣,强烈的学习绝望。二.        教学内容1.            认知内容:1.      学会用单词ruler, rubber, pen, pencil, ink, pencil sharpener来表述文具。2.      初步感知big, small, long, short 等形容词。3.      学会用i can see … 来描述所看到的物品。4.      能表演let’s play的儿歌2.            能力要求:学生试着用其他单词替换改编创作新儿歌。3.            情感态度:在改编表演儿歌的过程中,感受到英语学习的魅力。 三.        教学步骤procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation1.warmer1.      ps: sing the song: <good morning, teacher? >2.      greetings歌曲和问候将学生带入英语学习的氛围。2.listen and act?stand up, pleasesit down, pleaseopen your …close your …1.      t: ask pupils to listen to the teacher’s commands and do the action.复习已有知识活跃课堂气氛。while-task procedure1.      introduction i can see …t: i can see a bag.open your bag, tom.oh, i can see a book.to elicit the structure:i can see …玩偶以旧引新,过渡比较自然。 2.imitationi can see …1.      t: ask pupils to follow.2.      ask pupils to change their voices to say the sentences.学生通过机械模仿熟悉新句型的基本结构和表达方式。 3.substitutioni can see …ask pupils to make sentences with the structure.eg. i can see a pencil-box.把操练活动带到意义性操练阶段。 4. guessing gameask pupils to look at the shadows and guess what they can see.eg. i can see a bag.用看shadow猜物的形式,让学生用新句型来表达所看到的物品。 5. rhymea book, a bag.i can see.a book, a bag.for you and me.1.      the teacher shows the rhyme with the help of castanets.2.      ask pupils to follow.3.      encourage the pupils to clap their hands and say the rhyme.用响板为儿歌打节拍,让学生在朗读儿歌中体验有节奏的英语朗读。同桌两人相互击掌共同完成英语儿歌的朗读。让学生在互助合作中学习。 6. introductionpen pencilt: open your pencil-box. i can see a pen and a pencil to elicit the new words   7. imitationpen pencil 1.      t: ask pupils to listen and follow2.      say and read the words.3.      ask pupils to change the rhyme with the new words. e.g. a pen, a pencili can see.a pen, a pencil.for you and me.4.      tell the children how to use the pens and pencils correctly.学生已学过pencil-box这一单词,所以pen pencil 学起来容易一些。       培养学生正确的书写习惯。8. introductioninkpencil sharpenert: introduce the friends of a pen and a pencilto elicit the words.立足教材,适当拓展。9. imitationinkpencil sharpener1.      ask the pupils to follow2.      say and read the words.3.      encourage the children to try to use the pencil sharpener and ink.  10. introductionrulerrubbert: guess. what’s in my book?to elicit the words.  11. imitationrulerrubber1.      listen and follow the teacher.2.      say and read the words.3.      quick response: follow or clapt: point to the pictures or words and say the words.ps: follow the teacher or clap.4.      ask the children to follow the rhyme:a long ruler, a short ruler. i can see.a long ruler, a short ruler. for you and mea big rubber, a small rubber. i can see.a big rubber, a small rubber. for you and me.ruler和rubber在字形上容易混淆,可通过游戏和活动加强单词音、形、义的联系。      将儿歌稍作修改,可拓宽学生思维,为最后学生的自编儿歌做铺垫。 12. consolidationpen pencil ink pencil sharpenerruler rubberi can see…1.      read the words2.      game: good memoryt: show some pictures and ask pupils to remember what they can see.p: i can see …3. t: afford children some words. encourage the children to label the stationeries.通过游戏来巩固所学单词。post-task activitylet’s play1.      listen to the rhyme of p5. explain the word: paper.2.      read after the tape.3.      encourage the pupils to change and perform the rhyme.学生根据自己的选择,通过合作的方式,自主的改编和表演儿歌。assignmentcomplete the exercises on workbook page 2.3.4巩固课堂学习内容,并通过笔头练习落实。 五、教学提示1.         媒体准备:磁带、单词卡片、图片、响板、文具shadow (参照1b unit2 let’s play)、单词标签2.         教学关注点:a) 注单词相近字形的区分。一年级小朋友容易将ruler, rubber 两个单词混淆在一起。因为这两个单词的形和音比较类似。教师可以提示学生ruler的 ’i’ 像长尺,rubber的 ’bb’ 像橡皮。以此加强单词音、形、义之间的联系,有助于学生的记忆。b)关注学生朗读儿歌时的语音语调和节奏。儿歌的朗读,可以辅以响板和拍手的节奏训练学生的语音语调,让学生体验有节奏的英语朗读。3.         资源分享:可参照1b unit2 let’s play给文具做阴影4.            设计思路a)本课单词就在学生身边,是他们熟悉的文具。在巩固单词时,我让小朋友将单词标签粘到相应的文具上。学生在边读边认边动手的活动中充分参与,有效的巩固学习内容。让学生感受到英语学习就在我们的生活中。b)考虑到学生的差异,有些环节的设计是有分层训练的目标,同时也为学生提供展现才能和个性的空间。最后一个英语活动中,我鼓励学生根据自己的知识水平和能力状况,自主的改编和表演儿歌。儿歌可以是书上的,也可以是改编的,语句可以是简短的,也可以是丰富的。旨在让所有的学生都能体验学习乐趣,展现自我才能。5.            教学反思:在说句型i can see…时,发现学生容易将名词前的冠词 a 漏掉。如把冠词 a和单词同时出示,如:a rubber  a ruler 就可以较好避免这类错误的发生。

Oxford English Book 1A Unit 篇3


  1. 通过前教时的学习,学生已经能听听、说说、唱唱、指指脸部的各部位。

  2. 本课继续学习有关人体部位的内容,并尝试着用this is my ……介绍自己身体各部位。


  1. 认知内容:

  能根据指令做出反应,例如:draw a nose.

  能用句型this is my ……进行介绍。

  2. 能力要求:

  学会用this is my ……介绍自己身体各部位。




  procedurecontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation warming up 1. say some rhymes.2. read some words.3. do some quick response.eg:hi/hello!how are you?how old are you?what can you do?goodbye!朗诵一些学生在以前课堂中学的儿歌、单词,调整好学生的学习状态。通过快速应答的方式来巩固旧知识,可以快速的把学生带到英语学习的氛围中来。while-task procedurequick responselisten,say and point.听音指向、听音判断,在复习的同时为进一步学习做准备。 draw a face.1. 多媒体练习draw a face.2. in groups,students draw their faces on paper and practise saying ‘ this is my eye’,‘this is my ear’,etc. 体验为自己画像的感觉并尝试着介绍。   imitation‘this is my hand ……’1) prompt the students to follow the teacher.  point and say the sentences as following:e.g.: hand,hand,this is my hand.  arm,arm,this is my arm ……in pairs,students take turns to introduce their body parts and do the actions.有节奏地练说句型。  post-task activitygroup work.encourage students to introduce their body to the class.e.g.: ‘ look!  this is my face.  this is my hand. ’,etc.互相介绍,增进了解。assignmentask students to introduce themselves.四、教学提示:1.  媒体准备:多媒体动画、单词卡片、课文磁带等。2.  教学关注点:引导学生自信的表现自我。3.设计思路:1)抓住儿童年龄特点,设计和开展丰富多彩的游戏活动,如:听音指向、听音画像等,使教学内容轻松易学。2)据学生年龄特点,本课采用多媒体动画教学,既有明确的教学目的,又能吸引学生的注意力。

Oxford English Book 1A Unit 篇4


  the first period卢湾区第一中心小学  孟静美一.        教学说明1.            通过第一课的学习,孩子们对英语有了初步的了解,对英语学习有了较浓厚的兴趣。(游戏激发了他们的兴趣)2.            了解后知到,班级中有一半同学会用“hello”跟别人打招呼,其中有5人还会介绍自己。二.        教学内容1.            认知内容:a.会说:hello(hi)        .  i’m         .  this is       .b.能运用上面的句子,进行情境表演。2.   能力要求:能运用hello(hi)        . hello(hi),i’m         . this is          . 进行情境表演2.            会用学到的句子介绍自己,主动与他(她)人打招呼,并把自己的好朋友介绍给大家,让其他(她)的同学认识更多的新朋友。 三.   教学步骤procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation1.warming upsong:<hello,how are you­­­?>1.      sing and act the song.歌表演不仅仅活跃了课堂气氛,还增添了学习情趣。 2. listen and act stand up, please. sit down, please. open your book.(bag ,pencil-box, eyes, mouth)close your      .1. t: sayp: act2. p: sayt: act3. p1: sayp2: act 玩偶让孩子们在说说、做做,轻松、愉快地气氛中复习旧知识,增添相应的新内容。老师说英语,学生做动作这是常规,而反过来让学生说,老师来做动作,孩子们就特别感兴趣。while-task procedure1.introduction hello,          .hi,           .1.      hello, boys and girls.p:  hello, michelle2.  use the puppet(dog and rabbit) to elicit the greetingspuppe1:hello(hi), dog.puppe2: hello(hi), rabbit.套在手上的傀儡一出现,立即吸引住了小朋友。他们聚精会神地关注着小狗、小兔的表演。 2.imitation hello,           .hi,           .1.puppe1:hello,dog.p:       hello, dog.puppe2:hi, rabbitp:       hi, rabbit让小木偶当孩子们的老师,他们学此乐彼,学得津津有味。  2.encourage the pupils to say “hello”, “hi ”to      each other.  孩子们大胆地向别人问候,并把操练活动带到了意义性的操练阶段。 3.introductioni’m          .1.t:hello, i’m michelle. i’m your english name. i love you.2.t: what’s your      name?puppet: i’m dog.3.t: what’s your name, please?p: i’m tony.2只可爱的小木偶给小朋友做了很好的示范作用。 2.      introductioni’m          .1. t: ask pupils to listen and follow.2. say and read the sentence.3. answer the question:what’s your name?让学生用新句型来介绍自己,回答别人的提问 5. listen clap and say.i am         .x  x i  xii am ste-ven. x  x ix  xii am na-cy.x  x ix  0ii am alice.game:1. listen the music.2. clap your hands.3. say your name.通过音乐节奏游戏,调动孩子们的积极性。由于节奏给大脑的刺激,使思维与语言的固有频率引起共振,从而促进记忆。 6.introduction and imitation1.t:this is elephant.(puppet)2.explain.3.s:this is elephant.4.encourage the pupils to introduce their friends to each other.   7. actione: hi, rabbit.this is dog.r: hello, i’m rabbit.d: hello, rabbit. 1.watch action.2.p1: hi, rabbit. this is dog.p2: hello, i’m rabbit.p3: hello, rabbit.3.change the character.全班分成三组,通过分角色表演,掌握新学的句子。 8. activity1.listen to the tape.2.divide the class into of three. practise the dialogue.让学生用新学的句子互相交流。assignment1.listen  page 8  and  read  it.2.act  page 8  with  parents.3.complete the exercises on workbook page 5. 四 、教学提示1.    媒体准备:傀儡、音乐带、(二拍子音乐)、录音机。2.    教学关注点:a. i’m may .这句句中的“i’m”的发音学生有些困难,教师示范时要夸张一点,鼓励学生开口说,不要怕说错。b. 三个角色的对话,对于一年级学生容易搞混,所以先要分角色练习。c.培养学生在家听磁带的良好学习习惯。鼓励他们与爸爸、妈妈用学到的英语进行对话,交流。3.            设计思路1.        把let’s talk 部分提前上是因为这部分内容可以让新同学尽快互相熟悉。2.        三个傀儡作为教学的辅助工具,使孩子更好地理解每个角色所说的话,而且让孩子们套在手上玩玩、说说,寓教于乐。3.        第二教时,可以让学生扮演成一家人,孩子向爸爸或妈妈介绍新朋友。4.            教学反思:1.        游戏是孩子最容易接受的学习方式,要利用好这一手段,达到学习的目的。2.        培养孩子善于倾听别人的讲话。个别学生说话时要让其他学生带着任务去听。        oxford english book 1a unit 2 (a教案)the second period卢湾区第一中心小学  孟静美三.        教学说明1.通过上一课的学习,学生能用hello. hi. i’am        . this is        .来问候,介绍和交流了。2.有少数学生从未接触过英语,学句子时有些困难。四.        教学内容1.  认知内容:1).学会用祈使句:give me        , please.2).学说小对话:a:give me        ,  please.b:here you are.a:thank you.b:you’re welcome.2.   能力要求:学会用祈使句来表达自己要向同伴所借的物品。3.            情感态度:感受帮助别人,与他人分享物品的快乐。 三.   教学步骤procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation1.warming upsong:<pen and pencil> 1.point the stationery and sing the song:<pen and pencil>2.one pupil point the stationery and another pupils sing the song. if the pupil is wrong and change another pupil.(游戏可以反复进行,速度可以逐步加快)。1.通过点点唱唱帮助学生复习文具类的单词,活跃课堂气氛。2.同一首歌曲换成游戏的方式,孩子们又生产了浓厚的兴趣。个别孩子操练和集体练习同时进行。歌曲的速度逐渐加快,难度递增,培养学生手口一致,思维、动作的敏捷性。 2.dialoguea: hi, george. this is my mummy.(daddy)b: hello, i’m george.c: hello, george.1. read the words:mummy, daddy.2. show the dialogue 让学到的句子“活”起来,必须运用于实际。while-taskprocedure1.introductiongive me        ,please.        1.t:i havn’t a pencil. but i want to write.i can say: give me a pencil, please.p1: here you are.t: thank you.2.explain  2.imitationgive me         ,please. 1.listen to the tape.close your eyes and listen.2.read after the tape.3.follow the teacher.4.dialogue: t: give me        ,please.ps: here you aret: thank you英语以“听”领先,对于学生较难掌握的句子,让他们多听。闭上眼睛听可以集中听力,学生也感到有趣,不乏味。 3.a story <teacher’s book>p71.      listen to the story.2.      answer the questions. a. what did sam want­?(a rubber)b. what did he say?(give me a rubber, please).c. what did ann want?(a ruler)d.what did she say?(give me a ruler, please).通过听故事,加大了语言输入量,学生真正明白了give me      ,please.的含义。 4.  a dialogue:a: give me       ,please.b: here you are.a: thank you.b: you are welcome. 1.watch and listen to the song.<thank you. you’re welcome> 2.ps: thank you.ps: you arewelcome.3. p1: thank you.p2: you’re welcome.4.t: give me       ,please.ps: here you are.t: thank you.ps: you’re welcome.(then change)边看边听这首歌曲,通过画面学生很快理解了这两句礼貌用语。明快的旋律,朗朗上口,小朋友很快会跟唱了。师生间的对话,使语言用于生活。post-taskactivitydraw a picture1.distribute white drawing paper to each pupil.2.tell them that they can use their pencils and rulers, etc. to draw a picture of their classroom.  3.if they need to borrow something. they must say the dialogue.在情境中懂,在情境中练,在情境中用。assignment1.      listen to tape and say p7.2.      talk with the friends of parents. 五 、教学提示5.    媒体准备:vcd、磁带、文具等。6.    教学关注点:a. 注意学生“give”的发音。b. 本课的祈使句:give me         , please.让学生在情境中懂,在情境中练,在情境中用。c.拓展的“here you are.”“thank you.”“ you’re welcome.”不要急于求成,可在日常生活中鼓励学生不断使用。7.            资源分享《小博士黄语》①、《走遍美国》第一盘vcd、《教学参考》8.            设计思路:a. 开始部分复习的文具类单词,不仅是巩固旧知识,而且为本课的新授部分做好铺垫。b. 英语学习是一个“滚雪球”的过程,加以点滴新鲜“血液”,使旧知识变为新内容。c.把“孤零零”一句祈使句,变成对话,让师生动起来,从而达到师生互动,生生互动。5.   学了这句祈使句,一有机会就要用,老师要起示范作用,在班级中形成良好的使用英语的学风,创设学英语的语言环境。     oxford english book 1a unit 2 (a教案)the third period卢湾区第一中心小学  孟静美五.        教学说明1.学生能用简单的英语进行问候了:good morning! hello! hi!how are you?等等。2.很多学生能正确使用give me        , please. 这一句型。并能用here you are. thank you. you’re welcome. 来互相交流。3.个别学生不能把句子说全说准,但他们很大胆,很愿意说。六.        教学内容1.  认知内容:a.学会1~10的数数,并能根据单词卡,认出相应的数字。b.初略地知道两样或两样物品以上单词后面加s。(复数变化形式略)c.欣赏歌谣:<one  two  three> p11.2.            能力要求:学生能根据物品的多少,说出相应的数字。4.            情感态度:体会合作学习的乐趣。 三.  教学步骤:procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation1.warming up 1.enjoy the song.<the little indians>2.play the game.游戏方法:一人按歌曲的节拍依次点,唱到最后一个词“boys”时,如果被点到的正好是男孩,大家齐声欢叫“yes”,并由他下一轮点人;如果被点到的是女孩,大家叹声道:“no,no,no”并换一个男孩点人。(游戏第一遍唱“boys”,第二遍“girls”。) 在欢快的游戏中,学生已初步感知今天将要学的1~10的数字。while-taskprocedure1.      introductionone-ten1. hold up a jar of sweets.2. t: do you likesweets?ps: yes.3. t: how many sweets?let me count one, two, three…ten. ten sweets.五颜六色的糖果立刻吸引了孩子们。 2.imitation one-ten 1.read the new number words by adding the sweets one by one.2.encourage the pupils to count together.3.look at the words and read it. 读准每个数字,能正确模仿老师的发音,集体念,个别念,交替进行。 3.a chantone, two, three, four, come in, please and close the door.five, six, seven, eight,go to school and don’t be late.nine, ten, nine, ten, learn english againand again.1.listen to the tape.2.ask pupils to listen and follow.3.the pupils show the chant with the help of castanets.让孩子读朗朗上口的儿歌,使他们找到语感,配上圆舞板的响声,激发他们对学习的热情。 4.let’s learn p9 one bag two pencilsthree books four pensfive rulerssix rubbers1.listen and follow.2.read after the teacher.3.practice in pairs. one pupil say, another pupil point it.在跟读中让孩子们体会单词的变化:pencils, books… 老师可简单解释。 5.  match the pictures to the words one-ten.1.t:what can you see?ps: i can see three books.2.read the words.3.competition通过这一游戏让孩子掌握音、形、义之间的联系。post-taskactivity1.guessing game1.          put some sweets on  the teacher’s hand. 2.          ask pupils: guess, guess, how many sweets?if he(she)is right.eat one sweet.t: guess, guess, how many sweets?p1:four sweets.t:ok! eat it.p1:yummy, yummy.(nice. good. delicious. wonderful)在游戏中完成学习任务。猜一猜的游戏完全体现了学生的主动学习,调动了每个孩子的积极性。 2.enjoy the rhyme1.listen to the rhyme.2.the teacher shows the rhyme.3.the pupils show the rhyme.通过模仿老师的肢体语言,理解歌谣的意思。assignment1.count 1-10.2.listen and read page 9.3.listen the rhyme page 11.4.complete workbook page 6. 五 、教学提示9.    媒体准备:磁带、图片、单词卡片、圆舞板。10.       教学关注点:a. “four”,“five”这二个单词相接近要注意区分。b. 特别注意“three”,“five”,“nine”这三个数字的发音。c.学生顺着从1数到10,没什么问题,但抽出其中一个数字,他们往往会从1开始数到这个数,才能说出来,这是一个正常现象,只要在平时多用这些数字,数数时加上手指动作,学生不久就会熟练掌握。11.       资源分享《小拇指英语》p123、 《剑桥英语》(第一级 上册)p5。12.       设计思路:a. 开始部分就采用了欢快的歌曲,愉快的游戏,又与所学的内容相吻合,使学生很快地进入了良好的学习状态。b. 通过朗朗上口、节奏明快,又与主题内容一致的儿歌,提高学生的语感,避免说话拖音。c.根据孩子的差异,有些活动的设计是有层次的,可以让孩子自由选择,如:吃到糖果时,可以有多种应答方式。13.       教学反思:在说到复数时,学生很容易把“s”漏掉,所以最好出示复数单词的卡片,帮助他们记忆。 oxford english book 1a unit 2the fourth period卢湾区第一中心小学  孟静美七.        教学说明1.            通过这阶段的英语学习,学生对英语有较大的兴趣,平时,能主动读英语给老师听。2.            学生对于一些较相近的字易混淆,如four, five; fine, five; ruller, rubber.等等。八.        教学内容:1.            认知内容:1.        听懂指令并做出相应的动作或应答。show me four.  clap three.  say six.2.        学会使用问句:how many……?3.        学会有节奏地念歌谣。p112.            能力要求:根据周围环境会问答:how many chairs? four chairs.3.            情感态度:乐意帮助同伴改正错误,而不是笑话他(她)。 九.        教学步骤:procedurescontentsmethodsp       purposepre—taskpreparation1.      warming up chant1.      read the chant. the teacher shows the rhyme with the help of castanets.p3: one, one.t:  run, run, run!ps: two, two.t:  go to the zoo.ps: three, three.t:  swim in the sea.ps: four, four.t:  stay by the shore.ps: five, five.t:  find a beehive.ps: six, six.t and ps: pick up sticks .ps: seven, seven.t:  go to seven eleven.ps: eight, eight.t:  stand by the gate.ps: nine, nine.t:  form a line.ps: ten, ten.t:  catch the hen. 学生在念数字时,老师用响板为儿歌打节拍,让学生体验儿歌的节奏感和韵律。轮到老师念儿歌时,充分利用肢体语言让学生理解含义。整首儿歌语言的输入量很大。 1. open your__.close your__.2. i can see… 1.t: open your pencil- box, please.p1: i can see two pencils.2.        practice in pairs.p1:  open your book, please.what can you see?p2:  i can see…让学生灵活运用学过的祈使句和句型进行交流。while-task procedure1.introduction and imitationshow me__.(one-ten)1.  put up one finger and say: show me one.2.  pupils copy.3.      continue with ‘two, three,…and ten’ with pupils copying.4.      game: say and act. 玩偶能听懂句子并做出反应。能力能力强的学生可边做动作边说show you one. 2.      introduction and imitationclap__.(one-ten)1. clap and count ‘one, two,……ten’.2.  pupils repeat the words only. then say and do ‘clap’—‘one, two…ten’.  3.activity 3.  t: clap four .p: say and do ‘clap’—‘one, two, three, four’.4. game: say  and  clap.    p1: clap five.    p2: say and do.    p2: clap eight.    p3: say and do.        …    p4: clap nine.    p1: say and do.游戏中可以改变拍手的节奏,更富情趣。 4.introduction and imitation.say__(one—ten)1.  select pupils and say ‘say—one, two,…ten’. pupils respond.2.  t:  say two.    ps: two.让能力强的学生带动其他同学,给大家做示范作用。 5. activity1. p1: say  six.ps: six.p2: say seven.ps: seven.2.game:say a number.游戏规则:每次说的数字都要比前面说的数字大2(自定),说到10以后,每次说的数字都要比前面说的数字小3(自定),一直说到1.游戏可反复进行,错者淘汰出局。把英语学习和学生喜欢的游戏活动有机结合,此外,在教英语的同时注重与其它课整合。“多2少3”的游戏,促进孩子思维的发展,在英语游戏中学习了加、减法。 6.  introductionhow many…?t: how many pens?p: five pens.  7.       imitationhow many…?1.the teacher say ‘how many…?’the pupils copy.2. t: how many books?  ps: six books.3.the teacher hold up two rulers.ps: how many rulers?t:  two rulers.4.game: guessp1: close your eyes, please.how many bags?p2: three bags.在不断地“说”中培养学生对英语的语感,培养出“听”和“说”英语的能力,进而掌握一定数量的语法和句型。 7.        a rhyme.1. listen to the tape.  t: what’s this?  ps: it’s a tree.2. point to a stick and say ‘is this a three?’  no, it’s a stick.  oh, so many sticks.  pick up sticks.3. follow the tape by the actions. 把两句难点呈现出来,再完整朗读、表演。post-task activitygame<ten little indians>1. sing the song.2. play the game.在游戏中结束,引起学生再学习的欲望。assignment2.      read and act the rhyme with your friends or parents.3.      listen to the tape and read page 10,11.4.      complete workbook page 7.. 五、教学提示:1.            媒体准备:磁带、教学挂图、响板、数字卡片。2.            教学关注点:a) 要让学生区分show me …和give me … 两句句子的不同含义。b)书上的内容是学1—6个数字,但学生完全有能力学到10。c)儿歌中‘pick up sticks’.这句话是难点,一定要分解慢听,分解慢读再正常速度来读,千万不能让学生读得含糊不清。3.            资源分享〈you and me 〉英语儿歌大家唱page 33。4.            设计思路a)      选择长长的数来宝,作为本节课的开头,一是它具有歌唱性的节奏,二是它具有丰富的语境;三是每句句子都可以配上动作,学生再稍看图片就能理解含义。b)      课的结尾做了上节课同样的游戏,〈ten little indians〉,看似相同,其实两次做游戏的要求不同。第一次是听着歌曲做游戏,第二次是唱着歌曲做游戏。在歌唱游戏中复习了10个数字。 5.    教学反思       语言学习要活学活用,教师必须利用已有的环境,并多多创设情景,让孩子多说多用。

Oxford English Book 1A Unit 篇5


  book 1a  unit 1第一教时上海市实验小学  季峻岭 一、 教学说明:1.我们将面对的是一年级的新生,周围的一切对这些孩子来讲都是陌生的,他们对英语充满着好奇和和期待。2.大多数学生在入学前没有系统的学习过英语,学生的认知能力和智力水平都是有差异的,作为教师,班级学生的英语状况应尽量去了解以下,这样有助于课堂的教学。3.因为是新学期的第一节课,而且教学内容是日常生活的一些问候语,因此尽量让学生在宽松的学习环境中学习。二、教学内容1)  认知内容:a.能听懂和会说how are you? good morning, hello, hi等句子。b.能对how are you? good morning, hello, hi等有正确的应答。2)  能力要求:能用how are you? good morning, hello, hi等句子在相应的情景中使用。3)情感态度:通过创设情景,让学生在相互交流中正确、自然地表达问候语,学习在礼貌用语的同时感知西方礼节。三、教学步骤:

  procedurescontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:1.warming upteacher and students introduce their english names through the games.e.g.: hello, i am …通过活动让学生相互认识,如果学生没有英语名字,教师可以让学生选择一个自己喜欢的名字。2.enjoying an english song: students listen to the song <good morning>, try to understand the meaning by teacher’s presentation.  学生在聆听中感知歌曲的旋律和歌词的大意,为进一步学习歌曲做好准备ii.while-task procedure:1.introduction: good morning& how are you? fine, thank you.1.teacher shows a puppet to model the dialogue. e.g.:--hello, kitty. how are you? --fine, thank you. 2.introduce the characters of the book.e.g.: sam, may, ann.教师和布娃娃之间的对话演示给学生,让学生在语境中感知并体验。 课文是围绕几位学生的生活展开的,介绍课本的主人公很有必要。  2.imitation: 1.say a rhyme: hello, hello, how are you? fine, fine, thank you. then try to sing a song.<hello, how are you?>2.listen and read after the tape.  3.a dialogue: (listen and act)students act out the picture of page 3. the pupils work in pairs or small groups.iii. post-task activity:a game: 1.quick response.encourage students to greet each other.2.show the pictures of the public people. students greet them.e.g.: hi, yao ming, how are you?通过个别与群体之间的游戏,调动学生的学习热情; 在模拟与公众任务的对话中体现句型的真实语用功能。v. assignment:listening and speakinglisten to the tape and speak english with their family.巩固课堂学习内容。

  四、教学提示:1.  媒体准备:布娃娃,图片,录音机,气球等2.  教学关注点:1)学生对how are you? fine, thank you.句式不易上口,教师要面向全体学生,鼓励每一位学生都能大胆地说出口。2)关注学生的学习英语习惯和兴趣的培养,充分认识课外(包括家庭)是学生实践英语的良好场所。3)教师要通过纯正的英语营造良好的教学氛围,力求扩大学生的语言输入量。3.  资料分享:1)九年义务教育课本3a有配套的两首歌曲: 如<hello, how are you?>和<good morning>, 教师也可以让学生通过朗读儿歌的方式诵读歌曲。2)教学参考1a第3页也有让学生记住名字的游戏。4.  设计思路:1)把let’s talk部分提前主要是出于这部分的内容情感的体验多一点,交际性强一些,更有利于刚入学的一年级新生。2)课堂出示学生喜欢的公众人物,可以让教学活动更生活化。5.  教学反思:1)这一阶段的学生的学习坚持能力教差。因此,教师要通过丰富的表情,生动的语言,有趣的教学内容调动每一位学生的学习积极性。2)英语名字的使用可以营造更好的英语教学氛围。让学生记住对方英语名字的游戏很多,如分小组(5-8人)抛气球记名字:让学生高呼学生名字然后抛气球,听到自己名字的学生呼喊其他学生,由此而记住名字。一般,学生在一、二周就可以自然的呼唤班里每一位学生的英语名字了。 book 1a  unit 1第二教时上海市实验小学  季峻岭 一、教学说明:1.学生已经慢慢进入了学习英语的状态,好奇心逐渐被学习的热情所取代。 2.他们已经能用hi, hello, how are you?good morning等句式来进行问好。 3.学生在入学前,或多或少知道一些学生用品,如pen, pencil等,但他们可能对出现的单词卡片不是很了解。 二、教学内容1)认知内容:a.单词book, ruler达到“三会” 要求。b.能听懂并会说祈使句stand up, please. sit down, please. open your book, please和close your book, please.     2)能力要求:在学习和生活中能用所学祈使句表述自己的意愿,同时对这些命令作出反应。3)情感态度:    学会用please礼貌的表达自己的意愿。三、教学步骤:

  procedurescontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up 1.listen and try to sing a song<good morning>2.greetings.  e.g.: hello, hi, good morning. 3.students show a short dialogue in pairs.e.g.: hi, mary. how are you? fine, thank you.学生在聆听中感知歌曲的旋律和歌词的大意,为进一步学习歌曲做好准备 ii.while-task procedure:words teaching: book, bag.  1.students sing the song again. present the new words.e.g.: teacher shows the object and ask: what is it? students may say: bag, book.2.sing the song again.encourage students to sing better.3.show the word cards and read. 4.listen and read after the tape. 5.quick response.在歌曲中引出单词,在教学单词的过程中复唱歌曲,既学会了歌曲,也掌握了单词。        在快速反应的游戏中让学生巩固单词。commands teaching 1: stand up, please. sit down, please.     1.show the puppet and model to students.e.g.: kitty, hands up, please. stand up, please.book down, please.2.repeat the commands and ask the students to act them.stand up, please. sit down, please.t—ps  pn-ps3. a compitition.  who is the fastest one?教师通过手,身体或学习用品的上和下,让学生体会up和down的含义, 进而教学祈使句stand up, please. sit down, please.   建议教师在学生之间操练熟练的基础上进行比赛,看看谁的反应快。commands teaching 2: open your book, please. close your book , please.  1.teacher introduces oxford english book1a to students. 2.ask them to open and close the book.3.listen to the tape and repeat.4.say the rhyme as following:close, close, close your book. open, open, open your book.建议用学生身边的实物操练,如open the door, close the widow, 让学生感知open和close的不同。 iii.post-task activity:a game: play a game: simon says.教师清晰地向学生介绍游戏的规则。v. assignment:listening and speaking1.listen to the tape, say and act page 2.2.play the game (simon says) with their family让学生在与家人的游戏中分享学习英语的快乐。

  四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:布娃娃,图片,录音机,书,包等2.教学关注点:1)关注整体认读卡片单词book和bag。2)关注单词stand和sit所含元音的发音,同时注意学生朗读祈使句的语音语调。3) imitation时用不同的音高或音调来机械操练单词和词组;如:low / high / soft / tender …4) 指令性的知识学生刚刚接触,在教学中让学生在情景中学习,学生会在一定的情境当中运用这些指令;3.资料分享: 1)小博士英语歌曲中有一首<one, two, three, four>,这里我们可以改变歌词,如下: one, two, three, four. stand up, please. five, six, seven, eight. sit down, please. one, two, three, four. stand, stand up. five, six, seven, eight. sit, sit down. 2)剑桥少儿英语第一级(第三版)上册第17页有一首有关课堂用语的儿歌,而且可以有一定的拓展。4.设计思路:歌曲的学习引出单词,学生在唱唱说说中巩固单词;祈使句的教学结合动作游戏,学生在说说做做中运用句型。5.教学反思:1)有关祈使句的教学可以结合课堂用语进行,期间可以不断变换角色, 保证所有的学生都能参与语言学习,营造良好的英语课堂氛围。2)simon says的游戏很受学生喜欢,但在开始时效果一般,但随着学生英语知识的丰富和不断熟悉游戏规则,游戏所起的教学效果会越发明显。 book 1a  unit 1第三教时上海市实验小学  季峻岭 一、教学说明:1.师生和生生之间的了解更多了,在开展教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性会明显提高。 2.本课是继续学习有关学生身边的学习用品,如bag, book;学生也可以用一些简单句式,如open the …或close the …来表述自己的意愿。3.学生可以更熟练地表述hello, good morning,how are you? 等句式。二、教学内容1)认知内容:a.单词ruler, pencil, pen, rubber达到“三会” 要求。b.能流利地表演儿歌。c.能用i can see…表述看到的学习用品。     2)能力要求:能用其他学习用品替换操练儿歌。在学习和生活中能用所学祈使句表述自己的意愿,同时对这些命令做出反应。3)情感态度:  在吟诵儿歌的过程中体验学习英语的快乐,同时学会爱护自己的学习用品和与别人分享学习用品。三、教学步骤:

  procedurescontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up 1.sing the song by actions.<good morning>2.greetings.e.g.: hello, hi, good morning. 3.do a tpr activity.e.g.: boys, stand up and open your bag. girls, close your book and say ‘good morning’.大多数学生已经会唱歌曲,这时可以配上动作让学生更能体会歌曲的含义。把学过的动作命令串起来,让学生在说说做做中熟练运用句型。ii.while-task procedure:words teaching: ruler, rubber, pen, pencil.               a new pattern1.students review the words by reading the cards.e.g.: teacher shows the object and ask: what is it? students may say: bag, book.2.say a rhyme as following. a bag, a book, i can see. a bag, a book, for you and me. 3.say the rhyme by using the new words.a pen, a pencil, i can see. a pen, a pencil, for you and me.4. students identify the four words by saying “i can see a…”5. hold the word cards and ask them to read aloud. (ruler, rubber, pen, pencil.)6.listen to the tape and repeat on page 4.      学生通过教师的示范和动作,可以基本了解i can see…和for you and me句型的含义。a rhyme     1.listen to the tape and identify the object of paper. 2.follow the tape by the actions.3.students present the rhyme in groups or in pairs. 教师稍向同学点击一下paper与其它学习用品的不同,使学生在朗读时引起注意。iii.post-task activity:making a new rhyme. encourage students act out the rhyme in pairs or small groups by using the new words.在编新儿歌中学生的创造能力和合作精神都得到了提高。v. assignment:listening,speaking and reading.1.listen to the tape on page 4,5.2.read the new words. 2.present the new rhyme to their familylet’s learn部分的单词,要让学生在不断地认读中巩固,对学生来讲,这是个崭新的开始。

  四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:单词卡片,图片,录音机,学习用品等2.教学关注点:1)关注整体认读卡片单词ruler, rubber, pen和pencil,注意相近字型的区别。2)虽说很多同学能说出这些学习用品,但还要关注单词的正确发音。3)关注儿歌的语音语调,让学生学会声情并茂地朗读儿歌。3.资料分享:有一首英语歌曲<can you tell me what this is?>,在学习和巩固单词时可以使用,不一定让学生唱歌曲的全部,只要在歌曲的情景中说出学习用品即可。4.设计思路: 1)歌曲引入单词和在歌曲中巩固单词,儿歌的学习也是同样的道理。 2)充分挖掘学生已有的能力,包括英语知识和智力潜能,在完成一个个任务型活动中提高学生综合能力。5.教学反思: 最好的教具和学具是学生周围的实物,在教学单词时要充分利用。

Oxford English Book 1A Unit 篇6

  class______ name ___________ no. ____ mark __________


  1.listen and circle(圈出你听到的单词) 10%

  (1) floor desk (2) street tree

  (3) park pink (4) ball doll

  (5) road read (6) shanghai guangdong

  (7) where what (8) love live

  (9) house hot (10) sweep mop

  2.listen and circle(圈出你听到的句子)10%

  (1) a. i love guangdong. b. i live in guangdong.

  (2) a. where do you live? b. where does he live?

  (3) a. clean the classroom. b. clean the classroom, please.

  (4) a. i use the bin every day. b. i use the desk every day.

  (5) a. sweep the floor. b. mop the floor.

  (6) a. this is shanghai. b. this is pudong.

  (7) a. it’s a road. b. it’s a park.

  (8) a. like may and sam. b. like sam and may.

  (9) a. clean the desk. b. clean the chair.

  (10) a. that’s an apple. b. that’s a bird.

  3.listen and write(写出你听到的单词及它的中文)10%

  (1) _________ (    ) (2) _________ (    )

  (3) _________ (    ) (4) _________ (    )

  (5) _________ (    )     

  4. listen and match(听音,连接人名和地名,将数字填入前面的括号内)10%

  mingming 1. puxi

  miss li 2. beijing

  tom 3. shanghai

  mingming’s grandfather 4. pudong

  tom’s mother 5. sichuan

  5. listen and judge(听短文,作判断,用“t”或“f”表示)10%

  (1)may has got a sister.

  (2) (2)may is ten years old.

  (3)may lives in shanghai.

  (4)may’s sister is lily.

  (5)may likes dancing. 


  1.write the neighbours(写出所给字母的左右邻居)8%

  (1) __ __ f __ (2) __ __ j k (3) __ m  _ (4) o __ q __

  (5) a __ c    (6) op __ r (7) i  _ k    (8)h

  2.complete the words(填入所缺字母,并写出中文意思)6%

  ⑴   ook   ⑵ ro   d   ⑶ a   t  

  ⑷ bi   d   ⑸   ark   ⑹ b   ilding  

  3. circle the different word(圈出一个不属于同一类的词)10%

  (1) apple ball lemon melon

  (2) book ruler ball rubber

  (3) shanghai park guangdong  beijing

  (4) bee bird rabbit butterfly

  (5) desk milkman policeman driver

  4. read and choose(选择填空)10%

  (  ) 1. ________ do you live?

  a. what b. where c. what colour

  (  ) 2. i _______ in shanghai.

  a. live b. love c. life

  (  ) 3. ______ the floor, please.

  a.  sweep b. sweet c. map

  (  ) 4. close ________ mouth.

  a. i b. you c. your

  (  ) 5. what do you    ? i see a bin.

  a. hear b. smell c. see

  5. read and choose(根据所给情景,选择正确的句子)10%

  (  ) 1 告诉你的好朋友你住在浦东,可以说:

  a.i live in pudong. b.i love pudong.

  (  ) 2 桌子脏了,你可以对你的同桌说:

  a. clean the desk, please. b. sweep the floor, please.

  (  ) 3 做值日生,你叫小明扫地,可以说:

  a. sweep the floor, please. b. mop the floor, please.

  (  ) 4 当你想知道别人住在哪里时,可以说:

  a. where do you live? b. where do i live?

  (  ) 5. 你想知道我几岁,可以怎样问我?

  a. how are you? b. how old are you? 

  6. read and write “t” or “f”(阅读短文,对的写“t”,错的写“ f”) 6%

  my name is linda. i am a girl. i am 9 years old. i live in guangzhou. i love guangzhou. there are many tall buildings in guangzhou. and it is big and clean. i like sweets. but i don’t like noodles. i like to read and dance. but i don’t like to run.

  (   )1. linda is eight years old.

  (   )2. guangzhou is not small.

  (   )3.she likes noodles.

  (   )4.linda is a boy.

  (   )5.she likes to dance.

  (   )6.she likes to read.

Oxford English Book 1A Unit 篇7

  the first period





  1.认知内容:能听懂会说good morning. –how do you do? –how are you?-fine, thank you. –hello! 等问候语。

  2.能力要求:学会用-good morning. –how do you do? –how are you?-fine, thank you. –hello! 来问候和交流。



  procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparationwarmerenjoy the song of page 6.歌曲缓解了小朋友第一次上课的紧张心理。让他们对这首歌曲旋律歌词有初步感知。while-task procedure1.      introductiongood morning.how do you do?1.      t: i am frieda. i am your teacher. this is my friend, cici.(t takes out a puppet.) 2.      use the puppet to elicit the greetings.玩偶玩偶的出现既吸引了小朋友的注意力,又便于新授对话的引出和示范。 2.imitation good morning.how do you do?1.      teacher greets children with a warm embrace or handshake. eg.t:  i’m frieda.p1: i’m lucy.t: good morning.(how do you do?)p1: good morning. (how do you do?) t—ps2. encourage the individuals to introduce themselves and greet with the class. p1: i’m kitty. good morning.ps: good morning, kitty.p2: i’m jack. how do you do?ps: how do you do, jack?老师和小朋友抱一抱,握握手,一下子拉近了师生间的距离。由于这两句问候的上下句是相同的,所以学生在模仿中就能和老师进行交流问候了。    让小朋友在问候中渐渐熟悉同伴们的英文名字。 3.getting to know you.t: ask pupils to greet their groupmates .ps: do the groupwork.学生可以根据自己的能力选择一个到两个句子和其他同学进行问候交流。 4.introductionhow are you?fine, thank you. 5.  imitationhow are you?fine, thank you.1.      enjoy the english song.<hello.hello.how are you?>2.      t: use the puppet to elicit : cici, cici. how are you? fine. fine. thank you.3.      pupils listen and follow the teacher.4.      encourage the more able students to practice with the teacher.5.      practise in pairs.6.      practise the drill around the class.p1: how are you?p2: fine, thank you.how are you?p3: fine, thank you.   how are you? (to p4)歌曲为下面的新授做伏笔。  可用响板为句子朗读打节奏,使句子的学习变得趣味十足。    利用多种形式的操练有层次的学习句型。 6. song1.      listen to the song. <hello.hello. how are you?>2.encourage children to sing together.在轻松快乐的歌曲中有效的巩固今天所学的句型 post-task activityactivity: make friends.encourage the children to make the friends in the class. e.g. --good morning. i’m jane.     --i’m may. good morning.      --how are you?     --fine, thank you.让学生用今天所学的句子与新同学交朋友,让小朋友们在相互的交流和合作中丰富巩固自己的知识。assignment1.      read page 3 after the tape2.      listen to the song (p6) and try to follow it.

  四 、教学提示



  本课中的句子例如:how are you ? fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。





  九年义务教学课本3a有配套的歌曲:如<hello, how are you?>

  4.  设计思路:


  3)由于let’s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。

  oxford english book 1a unit 1 (a教案) 来自第一范文网。