首页英语教案小学一年级英语教案1B Unit1 Period4教案(通用4篇)

1B Unit1 Period4教案(通用4篇)

1B Unit1 Period4教案(通用4篇)

1B Unit1 Period4教案 篇1

  teaching aids: photographs, multimediaprocedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task

  preparations1.warming-upsing a song “happy new year”, then show a picture of a family in spring festival. ask pupils to watch and try to say what they see.通过唱《新年好》,复习上节课学习内容,活跃课堂气氛。2.revisionpoint and ask, “who are they?”(father /dad, mother/mum, brother, sister and me)复习有关家庭成员的单词,为本节课做准备。3.make a dialogueask pupils to make a dialogue with their classmate.p1: how are you?p2: very well, and you?p1: happy new year, dad!p2: happy new year!(the same to you )p1: here’s your ____.p2: thank you.通过组织对话,帮助学生复习新年问候语与应答。while-task

  procedure1. introduction and learn 1. introduce the new character to pupils. (uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother)借助多媒体课件,生动形象地向学生介绍有关亲属的单词,引起学生的学习兴趣。2. encourage pupils to imitate someone’s intonation.say like this:i’m the grandfather/aunt…通过学生模仿不同人的声音和动作来操练所学单词,使操练更有趣味性。3. ask pupils to take out their photos and introduce them to the class, and say, “this is my grandmother.”让学生根据照片作介绍。2. an activity1. do a quick response.show pictures one by one, and encourage pupils to stand up and read them out.通过学生喜爱的活动,进一步巩固单词。2.play a guessing game.teacher describes one of the people, then let pupils guess who he/she is. e.g.t: she is old. she is kind. who is she? (grandmother)通过教师描述某人的特征,让学生猜猜是谁,不仅训练了学生的听力,也为下一环节做了准备。post-taskactivityfree talkencourage pupils to talk about their family members and describe them by using new words. e.g. he is my uncle.he is handsome…(group work)通过he is/she is …的句型,使操练更生活化,贴近学生实际。同时,也丰富了学生的语言,扩大了课堂的输出量。assignment draw picturesgive each pupil a sheet of paper on which the four relatives’ names are written. let them draw a picture of these people. (grandparents or their uncle and aunt…)让学生通过画画,更进一步巩固所学单词。【教案设计说明】通过多媒体播放英语歌“happy new year”,激发学生的兴趣,学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中不仅复习了原有的知识,也引起学生对所要学习内容的兴趣。一年级学生刚开始学习英语,教学的主要目的应该是最大限度地培养学生学习英语的兴趣。在低年级用直观教学有利于学生集中注意力和提高学习兴趣,有利于理解和记忆学习内容,有利于他们在真实的环境中参与教学,习得语言。为此老师在充分利用教学资源,如多媒体教学软件,家庭成员的照片等,使之为教学对象和教学内容服务,并以此培养学生用英语进行简单交际的能力。在练习和课堂活动中,要为学生创造运用所学内容的机会,为此老师设计了do a quick response, play a guessing game, group work等,通过听、说、玩等方式,由浅入深、由易到难,降低了学习的难度,鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达,提高学生对语言的感受和初步运用英语能力。低年级口语教学要求学生运用已掌握的语言进行简单的英语会话。口语练习活动给学生提供了演练的机会,使学生得到用外语进行交际的真实感受。口语练习也给教师和学生提供了信息反馈,从而使教学相长。很多口语活动本身妙趣横生,有助于激发学生的投入,使学生充满自信。

1B Unit1 Period4教案 篇2

  teaching aids: cassette, picturespricedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task

  preparationwarming-up1.ask and answer between teacher and pupilswhat’s in the box? (sweets, dress, shoes)which dress/shoes/sweet do you like? (i like the…)2. say and match.who is the best at matching?通过听说训练,复习句型,调动学生的积极性,进入深一层次的学习。while-task

  procedure1.look and answer1.what do you see in the picture?2.answer questions according to the picture:l         where are sam and mary’s family?l         what are they doing?l         what does sam say in the sweet shop?l         who has new shoes at last?l         how do sam and may greet their parents on new year’s day?培养学生的语言运用能力,并让他们试着去辨认学过的文字。2. a story1.listen to the tape, then say after the tape.2.the teacher tells the story to the students.锻炼学生的听力并培养他们的模仿能力和口语。post-task

  activitysay and act1. ask some pupils to try to act out the story.2. try to make a new story and act it out in class.培养学生的模仿能力和口语。assignment 1.try to tell the story.2.prepare for making a new story according to the new year. 巩固练习。【教案设计说明】本节课的主要任务是复习巩固句型i like…, 并把它灵活运用于生活之中。在上一堂课的基础上,让学生对多幅裙子和鞋子的图片做选择,并练习i like…。由于上节课学生对裙子和鞋子搭配的游戏表现出了很高的热情,因此可让学生再次做搭配游戏,营造轻松的学习环境,让更多的孩子有体验成功的机会。一年级学生的年龄小,接受抽象事物的能力较差。因此,教学的直观性,对他们有特殊的意义。在课堂教学中,要注意创设情境,多采用看图、听录音等方法,让学生在一定的语言环境中学英语。为此在教学课文故事时,教师先在黑板上贴出图片,让学生用学过的语言来描述图片,接着让学生试着辨认图片上的文字,初步培养他们的阅读能力。最后通过听录音,提高学生的听力和理解力。在学生不能独立叙述整个故事时,老师可以帮学生完成。先由教师来叙述故事,让学生给故事中的人物配音,并表演这个故事。如果学生有困难的话,可以让一部分学生表演,一部分学生配音。

1B Unit1 Period4教案 篇3

  teaching aids: picture cards, word cards, cassette, recorder, colour pencils, rubber, paper.  procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task

  preparation1. warming-upsing a song: read, read, i can read.通过歌曲复习句型i can…2. listen and actask pupils to listen to the commands and do actions.t: show me your book/pencil/…raise your hand.draw/sing/dance/write…通过活动集中学生的注意力,同时复习已学的知识。3. ask and answerhow are you?how old are you?what can you do? (i can dance/write/…)t: happy new year.p: happy new year.通过对话让学生适应英语氛围,同时操练句型。while-task

  procedure:1. introductionshow a new year card.t: what is it?p: it’s a card.t: a new year card. do you like it? let’s make a card.通过展示实物来激发学生的学习兴趣。2. make a new year cardt: what do we need to make a card? (card, pencil, rubber, colour pencils)通过介绍所用材料,来复习以前学的旧知识。3. steps of making a card1. draw a /an …1) the teacher gives a command, “draw a tree on the board.”ask pupils to draw and say, “draw a tree.”invite a pupil to come to the front and draw something according to teacher’s command.t: draw a peach/banana/ball…老师发命令,学生边画边说,在动手体验中理解单词和句型。初步进行机械性模仿,学会运用动词draw。2) invite a pupil to give the commands, “draw a/an…” the rest of class draw and say.让个别学生发命令,其余的边画边说。能力强的同学先操练起来。3) (practise in pairs)a pupil gives the commands, the other draws and says.合作学习,让全体学生都有说和做的机会。2. write1)      write letter a on the board.t: look, i can write. i can write a.invite a pupil come to the front and write.t: write a/b/c.由老师说,学生做,到学生说学生做的对子活动,提高操练的层次。(practise in pairs)2)write and say:s1: write a/b/c.s2: (write and say) write a/b/c.3. fold1) show some paper boats, paper frogs, paper shoes…t: what is it?p: it’s a/an…fold a boat with a piece of paper.t: what’s this?p: paper.t: i can fold, i can fold a boat.通过折纸活动,提高学生的学习兴趣,在活动中复习以往所学的词汇,同时将fold这一单词放在i can …a/an…中进行操练。2) invite some pupils to fold and say:t: fold a boat.p: fold a boat.t: i can fold a frog. what can you fold?p: i can fold a /an…pupils fold and say.4. a rhyme1. ask pupils to complete the following rhyme.draw, draw, i can draw.i can draw a /an…write, write, i can write, i can write….fold, fold, i can fold, i can fold a/an…让学生完整念儿歌,巩固所学单词、句型,同时培养他们活运用英语的能力。2. invite some pupils to read the new rhyme and show their drawings and writings and paper folding.5. practice(practise in groups)pupils make cards and say out each step in english.at last write “happy new year” on the card.提供学生动手做的机会,边说边做,巩固所学语言。小组活动,培养学生的合作学习能力。6.look and answerask pupils to say out which card they like best.t: which card do you like?p: i like…展示学生作品,活跃课堂气氛,提高学生的积极性,同时为下一课时学习i like… 做铺垫。post-task

  activities1.new year greetingssend the cards to your good friend, and say, “happy new year, (name)”创设情景,学会向朋友表达祝福。2. send cards to your relativesinvite some pupils to come to the front and wear masks.t: look, who’s he/she?he’s/she’s your father/mother…p: he’s/she’s my…t: happy new year, … invite some/pupils to send the cards, and say, “happy new year, mother/father…”创设情景,学会向家人表达新年祝福。通过戴头饰表演的方式进行操练,将以前学的有关亲属的单词进行复习。assignmentmake a birthday card 通过制作生日贺卡巩固学习内容。【教案设计说明】本课时主要是教三个动词:draw, write, fold,同时学习做贺卡。教师先出示自制的新年卡,引起学生的兴趣。然后让他们想一想做新年卡所需的材料,以此来复习已学的pencil, rubber, paper等词汇,达到温故知新的目的。通过简笔画教授draw a/an…句型。学生先听命令画图,然后进行对子活动。通过写字母abc来操练write…句型。用学生喜爱的折纸活动来教i can fold a/an…,将fold和以前学的i can句型结合进行操练。最后通过编儿歌形式巩固draw, write, fold三个动词,并学会用happy new year.来表达新年祝福。在制作贺卡时,首先通过教师演示让学生明白制作的过程,然后学生自己动手,边说边做,在说说做做中巩固语言。通过展示学生的作品,让他们用i like the card.选出喜欢的贺卡。学生看到自己的作品被展示一定会十分兴奋,操练的积极性也就自然高涨,同时这个活动也为下一课时的学习做了铺垫。接着老师创设情景,让学生将贺卡送给自己的朋友、亲戚、老师,同时复习 “happy new year,…”这种贴近生活的活动方式,让学生感到亲切,同时也让他们把所学知识运用到实际生活中。

  1b unit1 period6教案 来自第一范文网。

1B Unit1 Period4教案 篇4

  teaching aids: pictures, realiaprocedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task

  preparation1. warming-upsing a song: happy new year通过歌曲营造一些过年的气氛,引起学生对学习内容的兴趣。2. listen and sayt: chinese new year is coming. are your parents going to buy you new clothes or shoes? will you get presents from your parents? what presents do you usually get form your parents or relatives? while-task

  procedure1. introduction: shoes, dress, coat, present, etc.1.ask pupils to read and spell the words while showing pictures.用图片引入单词shoes, present的同时补充dress, coat 等单词,扩大词汇输入量,为以后学习作铺垫。2. give commands and ask a pupil to act them out by using realia.show me your new _____.try your new _____.通过模仿,熟悉新句型的结构。2. imitationask pupils to read after teacher.show me your_____.try your new______.借助实物和动作让学生体验show和try的含义。3.quick response1. give the commands. e.g. show me your ____. then ask pupils to act them out. 2. ask pupil to give commands and others act them out. (group work)让学生进行小组活动,用所学句型表达自己的想法,使活动有实际意义。post-task

  activitya dialoguea short dialogue between the teacher and a pupil, then between the pupils.―happy new year, ______.

  ―happy new year, ______.

  ―i have got a new present.

  ―show me your present. new shoes. try your new shoes.


  ―how nice!

  ―thank you.让学生以小组形式进行对话,尝试用所学语言进行对话,培养学生的交际能力,为学生的自主学习创造条件。【教案设计说明】本课的教学主题是new year,因此在课堂教学设计上都紧紧围绕这一主题。针对学生的年龄特点,老师用图片、实物、情景等教学手段,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的积极性,真正做到寓教于乐。准备阶段的歌曲happy new year能激发学生的情绪,使他们能较快地进入到学习状态中。新授过程如果只依赖于课本和录音是很难维持学生的学习兴趣,因此,老师用图片和实物相结合教学方法,吸引学生的注意力。同时还通过活动和情景的创设大大提高了学生的参与意识,真正体现以学生为主的教学理念。英语教学中,教师不仅仅要完成教材制定的学习目标,还要教会学生学习的方法,培养他们运用英语的能力。