首页英语教案高二英语教案Unit5  Virtual Reality(通用2篇)

Unit5  Virtual Reality(通用2篇)

Unit5 Virtual Reality(通用2篇)

Unit5 Virtual Reality 篇1

  unit5  virtual reality

  grammar教案一、章节分析(一)综述本章节涉及两个语法项目的学习---将来时的总结运用和连词的总结。运用这两个语法项目,前者要侧重实际运用,后者要侧重连词的分辨和运用。(二)教学方法     自由会话加归纳法。(通过对于课文和日常生活的谈论,让学生觉得,英语语法就在我们的日常生活中,克服畏难情绪。)(四)重点和难点将来时的教学重点在于鼓励学生在不同的语境下运用将来时态。而对比连词的教学重点在于帮助学生分辨总结附加连词和对比连词的不同用法,并在语境中运用;同时,教师不妨帮助学生复习其他的连词用法。二、教学设计(teaching designs)




  lead–inwarming upl                       present the question “what will our life be like if vr is everywhere in our life?l                       ask the students to read the text of virtual reality again and underline all the sentences using future tense. (此项可分组分段集体完成)


  lead–in1. ask students to read the two paragraphs on p102 and p103 talking about vr.2. ask students to summarize the usages of the connectives.


  exercises & homework教师自编题目见[链接1][链接1]说明:有关连词的补充练习。1. would you like a cup of coffee _____ shall we get down to business right away?  a. and               b. then           c. or             d. otherwise2. _____ you are invited, you should go to the party.  a. because         b. for            c. since         d. while3. we must get up early tomorrow, ______ we’ll miss the first bus to the great wall.  a. so                 b. or              c. however     d. but 4. one more week, _____ we will accomplish the task.  a. or                 b. so that        c. and            d. if5. they were surprised that a child should work out the problem _____ they themselves couldn’t.  a. while             b. and           c. or              d. when6. the manager of this company is very busy _____ he spared us two hours.  a. and               b. so              c. or              d. but7. pay great attention to me _____ you’ll fail in the experiment.  a. or                 b. because      c. and            d. but8. though it rained heavily _____ we went on walking.  a. but                b. so              c. and            d. yet9. don’t be afraid of asking for help _____ it is needed.  a. unless            b. since          c. although     d. when10. he heard a cry for help, ____ he rushed out of the house.  a. for                b. but             c. or              d. and11. mr tad must have eaten a lot of food, ____ he is so fat.  a. or                 b. for             c. since          d. because12. porcelain is not a single clay, _____ a compound of kaolin, ball clay, feldspar, and silica.  a. and               b. so              c. but            d. otherwise13. ____ i admit that there are still some problems about the surroundings here, i don’t mean that they can’t be solved.a. until            b. while         c. as             d. unless14. she thought i was talking about her son, ____ in fact i was talking about my daughter.    a. whom          b. where        c. which        d. while15. although tigers are often trained, they cannot be easily tamed ____ caught very young. a. if                 b. unless        c. when         d. thoughkey:1. c        2. c        3. b        4. c        5. a        6. d        7. a        8. d        9. d        10. d11. b       12. c      13. b       14. d      15. b

Unit5 Virtual Reality 篇2

  unit5  virtual reality

  listening, speaking, writing 教案一、章节分析 (section analysis) (一)                  综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。(二)目标1.listening 帮助学生听懂并学会使用数据陈述或支持自己的观点。2.speaking 帮助学生学会模拟各种角色来谈论某话题。3.writing 1)学会理解图画所要表达的意思,并渗入自己的想象。2)学会模仿范文,写出较为成熟的想象性作文。3)能够完整、连贯、生动地完成想象性的描述。(三)重点和难点1.listening    1)确保掌握如下词汇: leisure, bar chart, pie chart;   2) 理解各种图表及其优点;   3)学会整理数据,从中得出结论,并用恰当的语言进行阐述。2.speaking 学会通过模拟各种角色讨论某话题,并学会在小组成员表现各异的情况下如何分工合作顺利完成讨论。3.writing 观察图画,运用想象进行写作。二、教学设计(teaching designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考listeningl                       pre-listening 在听之前,创设环境,要求学生明确听力任务(看懂图表并听出数据),扫清在听力材料中出现的困难词汇(leisure, bar chart, pie chart),提高听的效果。l                       while-listening增加生生互动的机会,鼓励peer correction。l                       post-listening 要求学生小组活动,根据听出的数据,口头总结所听到的材料。具体处理这部分内容的建议见[链接1]。speaking学生比较习惯从自己的角度来讨论话题,而本课的目的则是引导学生模拟其他的角色来讨论某个话题,培养学生换位思考的习惯,扩大其视野,拓宽其思路。writingl                       仔细阅读范文,观察范文中的写作顺序和所用词汇句型。l                       看清图画所要表达的意思及其内在联系。l                       理清写作的空间或时间顺序。l                       模拟范文进行写作。l                       写作完成后进行小组交流,以获得更多信息。l                       可以分小组将所写的内容做成口头广告进行汇报。具体处理这部分内容的建议见 [链接2]。[链接1]说明:     建议听说结合:在说的基础上,引入听的内容,要求学生掌握note-taking的技巧。listening 1                         pre-listening 1) get familiar with the new words (leisure, bar chart, pie chart).2) introduce different charts and their functions. (建议让学生自己先观察后总结)3) introduce the task to the students, that is, to understand the charts and to note down the figures. 2                         while listening 1)                                    listen to the passage, and fill in the blanks. 2)                                    check the answers with the students.3)                                    emphasize different functions of different charts. 3                          post-listening after the listening, ask students to draw some conclusions from the listening material and comment on the topic, with the given guidance.   (此环节建议以小组讨论形式进行,先列出提纲后再完善语言,也可在课后布置为写作作业。) [链接2] 说明:    通过这一部分的学习,使学生学会想象性作文的基本写作方法。writingstep one  pre-writing --- to introduce the rules of writing an imaginative story.l                       ask the students to read the passage c2 on page 95 and try to understand what an imaginative article is like. l                       ask the students to read the sample passage on page 106 and underline something worth imitating in the passage, esp. some words and phrases.step two  while-writing l                       students write the story with the words offered on page 106 (below).l                       students should pay special attention to the sequence of the article, as well as the details.l                       students should be encouraged to have imaginative thinking. step three  post-writingl                       students read out their articles in groups, trying to get new ideas from others. l                       students may act their stories as a kind of advertisement.