首页英语教案九年级英语教案8B Unit1-2重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲(通用2篇)

8B Unit1-2重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲(通用2篇)

8B Unit1-2重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲(通用2篇)

8B Unit1-2重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲 篇1

  8b unit1重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组和短语序号


  english1过去和现在past and present2在过去in the past3在现在at present / at the moment 4不再not any more / not any longer5自那以后since then6作一个历史课题do a history project7在过去的1XX年里over the past 100 years8某地的变化the changes to 9写一个关于…的报道write a report on 10不同时代的运输方式transport at different times11回顾过去look back to the past12采访某人interview sb / have an interview with sb.13很了解某人know a lot about sb 14搬到/搬进/搬出/搬离move to/ into / out of/ away15在中国的南部地区in the southern part of china16 a 与b 结婚a marry b /  a be/get married to b a and b get married 17曾经去过/已经去了/待在某地have been to/ have gone to/ have been in sp.18实际上in fact19巨大的变化great changes 20变成公园turn into a park / change into a park21想念我的老朋友miss my old friends 22打牌下棋play cards and chinese chess23起飞(脱衣)take off24对…感到满意be pleased with 25去某地的快乐之旅a pleasant trip to sp.26过去常做/过去是used to do / used to be27习惯于做某事be used to doing 28被用来做某事be used to do sth29倒入dump  into30废物中的毒素the poison in the waste31降低污染reduce the pollution32在某些方面in some ways 33不时from time to time34有开阔的空间have open space35把它扔掉throw it away36和… 一样,也,一起as well as 37北京历史的展览an exhibition of the history of beijing38和以前一样经常as often as before39一张近照a recent photo40带来好处bring some advantages 41给人们带来麻烦cause many problems for people 42给他们带来幸福生活bring them a happy life43一个新的旅游胜地a new tourist attraction44想起think of 45确保做某事be sure to do 46远离be far from47一点也不not… a bit48非常not…a little49周围的青山绿水green hills and rivers around50把某物落在某地leave sth sp 51和某人一起拍照take photos with sb 52拍某人的照片take photos of sb53处于使用中be in service / be in use54乘… 去某地take … to sp / go to sp by….55靠近next to 56更少的发展less development57放学后在学校和朋友聊天stay after school to chat with friends58同意某人的观点agree with sb 59同意做某事agree to do 60有更多的时间放松自己have more time to relax oneself61在小学in primary school62有同感have the same feeling63自然美景natural beauty64顺便问一下by the way二、重点句子及句型:1. ----eddie,have you seen my food ?    ----yes. i’ve just eaten it.2.the factory used to dump its waste into the river.(didn’t use to do/used not to do)3.i have known the place since i was very young.4.we lived together till 1965 when i got married.5.china has changed a lot. = great changes have happened to china.= there have been great changes in china.6.many of them have moved to other areas and i feel a bit lonely from time to time.7.they cannot see their friends as often as before.8.the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution.9.eddie has lived with millie since he was born./last year/3years ago.10.they have gone to the cinema already.    john has been to the usa a few times.11.i come to school by bus on my own12.he thinks he is unlucky enough to see the changes to sunshine town.13.i will stay there for a whole week to enjoy the sun and the beach.14.i wish you a happy holiday. = i wish you will have a happy holiday.15.the changes to moonlight town have brought many benefits but they have also caused many problems for people.16. some animals and plants have lost their living areas  because of these changes.17. it no longer provides a good environment for wildlife. = it doesn’t provide a good environment for wildlife any longer.18.now, let me show you how to get to the train station.三、语法:1.现在完成时用法一:表示过去发生的动作对现在产生影响。(常与already, yet, ever, never, before, just, recently等副词连用)2.现在完成时用法二:表示过去的动作一直持续到现在。(延续性用法)(常与since, for , so far, in the past three years等时间状语连用)

  8b unit2重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组和短语序号


  english1进行一次旅行go on/have/take a trip (to)2带某人出去散步take sb out for a walk3随身带某物bring sth with sb4快点come on /hurry up5享受美景 the beautiful view新课标第一网6日本的象征a symbol of japan7过的愉快have a really fantastic time 8整天the whole day9给某人写信write to sb 10在…前面in (the)front of 11以高速运转move at high speed12在整个滑行里through the whole ride 13遇见老朋友meet old friends 14偶然遇见meet up with / run into 15例如such as /for example16冲进rush into 17对 …显示了极大兴趣show great interest in sth18对…感兴趣be interested in sth./doing sth19那天的晚些时候later that day 20向某人挥手wave to sb 21游行过公园march across the park22一路all the way23高兴地做某事do sth with joy /delight/excitement24鼓掌clap one’s hands 25使某人高兴的是to one’s joy/ delight26在一天结束时at the end of the day27把某物给某人看show sth to sb 28激动地做do sth with excitement29以中国风格in chinese style30伤害某人do harm to sb /be harmful to31一次有意义的经历a meaningful experience32外面排队的人the line of people outside33排队等候wait in the line 34名胜古迹places of interest 35一些时间some time 36几次some times 37用另一种办法in another way38其他的人the others / the other people 39在电话里谈talk on the phone 40收到来自某人的信receive a letter from41肯定推测、否定推测must be 、can’t be43庆祝他们十五年的婚姻celebrate their fifteen years of marriage44听起来不错sound great45水上运动water sports46在那时at that time 47给某人一些建议give sb some advice48终年all year round  / the whole year49出国旅行travel abroad50在这个五一假期里during this may day holiday51轮流做某事take turns to do 52顺便说一下by the way53宜人的天气pleasant weather54观看一个游行watch a parade55对…感到兴奋be excited at /about56兴奋地做某事be excited to do/ do sth with excitement57某天(将来)some day58与…很不同be quite different from59鸟瞰have a bird’s-eye view of 60三个半小时three hours and a half/ three and a half hours61香港的文化中心the cultural centre of hong kong62前天the day before yesterday63在去某地的路上on the way to sp64把某物归还给某人return sth to sb65把某物忘在某地leave sth sp66快餐店a fast food restaurant67保留去…的飞机票keep my air ticket to sp68观看有趣的电视节目watch an interesting tv programme69参观中国园林的最好时间the best time for visiting/to visit chinese gardens70总之in all71在任何季节in any season72海鲜馆a seafood restaurant73在海滩玩的开心have great fun at the beach74在…的入口处/出口处at the entrance/exit to75在最后一段in the last paragraph76seem(好像) 的用法1. seem + adj. (系表)      2. seem to do sth.3. it seems that + 从句二、重点句子及句型:1. i’ve been there many times.             2.let me take you out for a few days.3.i don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.      4.i couldn’t stop taking photos with them.5.it must be fun.     6.it’s a famous theme park and includes four different parks.7the children clapped and screamed with joy when they saw their favorite characters.8.the line of people outside space mountain was endless.9.i can check it for you when i talk with my dad.10.the weather in hong kong was quite different from  that in beijing.11.it was really wonderful to have a bird’s-eye view of hong kong--- a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening.12.the castle looked shiny and beautiful under the fireworks.13.the performers waved to people while they marched across the park, singing and dancing all the way.14.we were screaming and laughing through the whole ride.15.my dad bought some stationery for my cousin.16.they have never been to hong kong.17.kitty has gone to hong kong with her family.18.my cousin has been in beijing for a month.19.kitty has had her purse for a year.20.the lamb has been dead for quite some time.21.my parents got married fifteen years ago.22. they have been married for more than fifteen years.23.i have to return it because i have kept it for too long.24.the best part of the day was when the elephants took bananas from the visitors.三、语法:1.现在完成时‘have/has been’and‘have/has gone’的用法2.与‘for’,‘since’,or‘ago’引导的时间状语连用的延续性动词的现在完成时。非延续性动词和延续性动词的转变(p32)

8B Unit1-2重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲 篇2

  8b unit3重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲



  english1我不知道。i have no idea. = i don’t know.2更换频道change the channel 3查找/搜索信息search for information4文字处理(技能)word processing (skills)5编写电脑程序write computer programs6绘画和设计draw and design7发送和接电子邮件send and receive e-mails8面世、出来、(花)开放come out9空前受欢迎的游戏all-time favourite game10在同时at the same time11打开/开闭(电器)turn on/off12调高/调低(音量)turn up/down13主要人物(主角)main character14躺在草地上lie on the grass15入睡(无意识)fall asleep16入睡(有意识)go/get to sleep17做了个奇怪的梦have a strange dream18获得足够的分数earn enough points19将…带到某地去carry … off  to  sw.20扮演…角色play the role of…21花费某人时间做某事take sb. some time to do sth.22测试你的英语知识test the knowledge of english23在市场on/at the market24卖完/被卖完sell out /be sold out25与某事/某人有关联be related to sth./sb26一套光盘a set of cd-roms27存储信息store information28用……来做某事use …for doing sth. = use… to do sth.29……被用来做某事…be used for doing sth. =…be used to do sth.30……被用来做某事be used to do sth. =be used for doing sth.31习惯于做某事be used to doing sth.32(过去)曾经做某事used to do sth.33把…….保存在硬盘上keep … on the hard disk34出现在屏幕上appear on the screen35将a连接到b上connect a to b36将a与b连接起来connect a with b37需要很多记忆(存储)空间need a lot of memory38重新始启动电脑restart the computer39总共10个问题a total of ten questions 40对……有好处;适合于……be good for…41向(某人)求助ask (sb.) for help42做一些练习题do some exercises 43英语知识贫乏have a poor knowledge of english 44点击图标click on the icon45双击自动运行图标double click (on) the “auto-run” icon46感官动词用法:听某人做某事hear sb. do sth47听某人正在做某事hear sb. doing sth48在屏幕上on the screen49举行一次作文比赛hold a writing competition 50计算机的不同用途different uses of computers51八小时内环球(旅行)around the world in eight hours52听起来很有趣sound interesting53介意某人做某事   sb. (me/my)doing sth54换句话说in other words 55为某人网上定一套包裹order a package online for sb56输了比赛  lose the game57日常英语daily english / everyday english58在必要时when (it is )necessary59被…覆盖be covered with60向某人学习learn from sb61游戏的目的the goal of the game62赢得比赛win the game63命令某人做 order sb to do二、重点句子及句型:1.the tv is turned on now.2. i usually use it to search for information. (=i usually use it for searching for information.)3.a new educational cd-rom (called ‘around the world in eight hours’)has just come out.4.it was designed by nancy jackson.5.he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful sky when he fell asleep and had a strange dream.6.when you have earned enough points , a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place (you have never visited before.)7.when you play this game, you will play the role of itchy feet.8.each level will take you about half an hour to finish.= it will take you about half an hour to finish each level.9.this cd-rom helps you learn english by testing your knowledge of english grammar and vocabulary.10. did you connect the keyboard to the computer properly?11.the places (you have visited) are marked in bright purple.(用亮紫色被标上记号)12.that is for you to find out.(那就留给你去查明吧。)13.many topics are covered in the couses, including travel and hotels, food and drink.14.you use this set of keys for typing. = you use this set of keys to type.15.do you keep your e-dictionary on the hard disk or a floppy disk?16.the e-dictionary needs a lot of memory, so it’s better to keep it on the hard disk.17.when a total of ten questions are answered correctly, the game is over and the princess will become bald.18.-do you mind telling me how to use this function?-no, not at all./certainly not./of course not.19.the game is set in different countries. 20.the goal of this game is to travel around the world to learn the history of each place.21.i’ve found none of them to be any good.三、语法:(详见课本上笔记) 被动语态是本单元的重要语法知识:1.被动语态结构:be + 动词的过去分词。2.重点掌握以下情况的被动语态:①一般现在时的被动语态(am/is/are +过去分词)②一般过去时的被动语态(was/were +过去分词)3.补充掌握两种特殊情况的被动语态①含有使役动词、感官动词和help后接不带to 的动词不定式改为被动语态时要加上to。②双宾语的情况改为被动语态时有两种改法。4.特别注意happen(take place)及系动词feel,sound,taste,smell等无被动语态的情况。

  8bunit4  重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲 

  一、重点词组和短语                                               序号chineseenglish1慈善义演a charity show 2被选为主持人be chosen to be the host3大量练习practise a lot4只有only if 5白天少睡觉sleep less during the day6不同捐款的方式different ways of raising money7互联网登广告advertise on the internet8分发传单give out leaflets9组织慈善义演organize a charity show10在贫困地区in poor areas11重返校园return to school12著名的流行明星famous pop stars13许多其他职责many other duties14在恰当的时候at the right time15在开始时in the beginning16是一个成功a success17不断地问自己keep asking myself18得到当地企业的大力支持have a lot of support from local businesses19赚钱make money 20主要职责main job21弄错by mistake22使你的声音听起来更响make your voice sound louder 23挂在舞台前hang in front of the stage24玩字谜游戏play a word game25至少at least 26被用于be used for27被放置舞台的两边be placed at both sides of the stage28学校礼堂的四个角落the four corners of the school hall29与---有联系have connection with30相当多quite a lot 31因为because of32支付他们的教育费用pay for their education33作为主持人出现appear as a host34做出一些决定make some decisions35搭建舞台set up the stage 36决定做某事decide to do37做非常重要的工作do very important work38安排工作arrange work39组织一台剧目organize a play40为某人唱歌sing a song for somebody41打电话给某人phone somebody42那是一个好主意that’s a good idea43有许多空余时间have lots of free time 44学会读和写learn to read and write45尽快回信write back soon46兴奋的叫喊shout with excitement47很容易找到我们的座位find our seats easily48被邀请到be invited to二、重点句子及句型:1.why don’t we organize a charity show?2.only if you sleep less during the day.3.everything seemed to happen so fast.4.he met many pop stars as well.5.it was great fun to be a host , wasn’t it?6.tickets are ¥20 each.7.their parents have no money ,so the children have to go to work instead .9.at the end of the show, the audience clapped and shouted with excitement .10.it was my job to introduce each star .11.i hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity and ithink more people should be invited to take part in them .12.i kept asking myself.13.the host came on stage with a microphone in his hand .三、语法:(详见8b66页课本上笔记)1.被动语态的一般将来时(will be/be going to be +p.p.)2.含情态动词的被动语态(can, may, must, and should be +p.p.)3.被动语态的现在完成时(have/has been +p.p.)