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Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案(通用2篇)

Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案(通用2篇)

Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案 篇1

  动词时态 一、经过前几个单元的学习,到这个单元为止,时态已经学完。按照要求,学生需要掌握下列几个重要时态。 1、一般现在时。 1》概念  其基本意义在于表示发生在包括讲话时间在内的动作或状态。 2》理解:本时态主要关注动作的经常性,强调动作表现的事实,或者是真理,而且和现在有关。     〈1〉表示客观真理,科学事实,格言,及其它各种不受时间限制的客观存在状况。 如:  light travels faster than sound       action speaks louder than words      <2> 表示经常性或习惯性的动作。 如;our art teacher practises painting twice a day.        tom often regularly drop in on the professor.      <3> 表示现在的特征或状态。 如:he is always ready to help others.        tom seldom rises at six.      <4> 有when/ while/ until/ before/ as soon as/if /even if等引导的时间,条件,或让步壮语从句中,常用一般现在时。 如:when we get there,we'll call you.        no one can go through with the task on time if it rains.        i'll not attend her birthday party even if i am invited.       <5> 在新闻标题,小说,戏剧,电影,图片等说明中,也经常用一般现在时。 如:the delegation of china gets a warm welcome in russia.        the story is about  a family---.the husband comes home from his office and tells the wife that he has invited a friend to dinner. 3》标志:often/always/usually/seldom./never..对上述壮语提问时,常用 how often...? 肯定句中,动词用第三人称单数形式。 如:      ---how often does he visit the old man?       —---never. 2.一般过去时 1》概念  本时态主要是表示过去的时间内发生的动词作或者是状态。 2》理解   强调过去动作的一次性和习惯性。      <1> 表示过去特定时间的一次完成的动作。 如:   the old professor stepped into the classroom, opened the book, and began to read.        we went to beijing and  visited heaven temple.      <2> 用它表示习惯性动作,往往用一定的时间状语或表示频度的状语。 如:we went to school together when we were boys and so we saw each other every day.        there used to a temple in the village. 在日常会话中,我们也用一般过去时表示现在的时间。这种用法在讲话的口气上表现出婉转,客气的意味。 如:   ---did you want me ?       ----yes,i hoped you could give me a hand with the painting. 3》警示:除了表示明显的过去时间状语外,还有used to/would等暗示性词语。 如:when i was in london, often,i would have a cup of coffee after work. 注意:上句中的would 不能用 used to 代替。这两个词虽然都表示"过去常常",但would 常和时间连用,如 often, every day 等,而used to 不可以。 3。一般将来时 1》概念  表示将来要发生的动作。 2》理解  对未来事情的预见性,或者说明意图,打算。     <1> 用will 或shall +动词的形式表示对未来事情的预见性,又称为预见性将来时。 如:   tomorrow will be fine .        you will feel better after taking the medicine.    <2> 用 be going to do表示将来。 用这种形式表示将来主要是说明现在的意图,打算,即表明眼前最近要去做的事情。又称之为近期将来。如:i'm going to post two letters after class./she is going to have a university degree. 如果这种结构用物做主语,也是一种预见,可以用will 代替。 如:it is going to rain       watch out!the pill of boxes is going to fall.    <3> 用be+going 表示将来  一般说来,用现在进行时表示将来所用的时间大都是动作动词,不适用于状态动词。用这种结构表示按计划要去做的事或发生的事情。 如:we're inviting several people to a party.        the foreign ministry is coming to the un this week.        the plane is taking off at 5:30 一般来说,be doing / be going to do 两种结构均可以表示将来,但有些区别。 比较:i am taking mary out for dinner tonight .           i am going to take mary out for dinner tonight. 第一句表示计划已定不能改变,第二句表示打算未定只是一种想法而已。    <4> 用be+to do 表示将来时间 这种结构也可以表示按计划,随安排将要去做的事情或将要发生的动作。 如;the workers are to produce 5000 cars next year.        the prime minister is to speak on television tonight.        the line is to be open to traffic on october 1. 这种结构表示的将要发生的动作一般来说受人们意志控制或支配的。可以互换,但语意上有区别。如:       we are going to play basketball this afternoon.<表示目前的意图>       we are to play basketball this afternoon.<表示计划,安排或受人的支配>. 我们可以说:it's going to rain /the young man is going to be fat. 但不能说:it is to rain/the young man is to be fat. <5>用一般现在时表示将来。 如:next christmas falls on a tuesday       the train leaves at 7:30 this evening .       the plane takes off at 6:40. 3》警示 除了上述那些之外,也用be about to/be on the point of /be on the middle of/ 表将来。 如:the meeting is about to begin.      we are on the point  of going out ... 但值得注意的是这种形式不和将来的时间用在一起。我们不可以说they are about to leave this afternoon. 4。进行时 1》概念 表示某时某刻某阶段正在进行的动作。 2》理解 进行的动作包括现在,过去和将来。 <一>  现在进行时 本结构是am/is/are+doing构成的形式。这种时态表示的动作主要与现在时间有关系。有如下的用法。   <1> 表示此刻正在进行或发生的动作 常伴有时间状语。如:now/at present/ at the moment      at present, the staff are holding a meeting.      where are they having the basketball match ?        <2>  表示现阶段正在进行的动作。   i usually get up at seven, but i'm getting up at six every day this week to prepare my lessons.      selecting a mobile phone is difficult. the technology is changing .        <3> 如果和表示频度的时间状语连用,不表示动作的进行,而表示动作的重复性,在语意上带有感情色彩。如:     you are continually finding fault with me.<表不满》       he is always thinking of how he could do for the people《表赞扬〉      the old man is constantly complaining of his watch being slow.〈发牢骚〉 〈二〉过去进行时。 本结构是was/were+doing 构成的形式。它表示的状态或动作主要和过去的时间有联系,所以往往和表示过去的时间连用。  〈1〉表示过去某时刻正在进行的动作。如:   what were you doing at ten last night?        when i got up this morning, it was raining outside.       <2> 表示过去某阶段中正在进行的动作。如:     at that time, he was working in a pla unit.       in those years he was having a happy life.       <3> 在叙述故事的背景时,为了使故事的语言更加生动,让读者有身临其境的效果,多用进行时。如:one morning the three sisters were together in the drawing room.mary was sewing, alice was playing the piano, and jane was doing nothing, then suddenly the door opened... 正如现在进行时一样,过去进行时与表示频度的时间状语连用,也能表示某种情感色彩。 3》警示 进行时还常用在语境中,表示语气的委婉。如:        ---what are you going to do?        ---i'm hoping to invite you to dinner. 5.完成时。 1》概念 本时态是表示某动作或某过程在一定时间内处于完成的状态。 2》理解 完成时包括现在完成时和过去完成时态。构成分别为have<has> done/had done. <一>现在完成时。动作在过去发生,持续到现在已经完成,或者是继续持续下去。  <1>  已经完成的用法。其表明某动作或过程发生在说话前某个不明确的过去时刻,到目前一完成,并对目前造成影响。如:he has not been to shanghai/have you finished reading the story ? 本用法常和不确定时间状语连用。如:already/yet/before/recently/lately/just...等          i have seen him before          we haven't been there lately 也可以和表示频度的时间状语用在一起。如:ever/never/once---等。          i have never been to hongkong.          have you ever visited the great wall ? <2> 未完成的用法。本用法表示某动作或状态开始于过去某个时刻一直延续到现在,而且还要继续下去,在某种情况下也可能刚刚结束。常和 since/for/时间状语连用。如:          he has been in the army for 3 years.          he has lived in the building since he came here. 3》警示:如果不过since 引导的从句中的动词是延续性的,一般认为,语意上也表明动作或状态的结束。如:    i haven't heard from him since he lived there.         从他离开那儿以来,我一直未收到他的消息。         he has written to me frequently since i was ill.    从我病愈以来,他常给我写信。 如果since引导的从句中的谓语动词用了现在完成时,那么表示的动作或状态就不表示完结。如:    i haven't heard from him since he has lived there .         从我住在那里以来,我一直未收到他的来信。         he has written to me frequently since i have been ill.    从我生病以来,他常给我写信。 <二>过去完成时。本时态表示的是动作在过去的过去发生。它也分为“已完成用法”和“未完成用法”。 1>已完成用法。表示,当一个动作发生或结束时,在它之前的另一动作已经完成。这种用法既用于动作动词,也用于状态动词。如:   when we arrived the cinema,the tickets have been sold out.        tom flew home,but his father had already died.   iwas told that the old man had been away for a week. 2>未完成用法。表明某个动作或状态在过去某个时刻之前一直延续到过去这个时间,而且还可能继续下去。它也使用于动作和状态动词。而且常和 by +过去时间 或从句 连用。如:       by 12,he had studied for 4 hours.       by we got there,they had ended the meeting.       we had worked together for a long time before we came to this college . 3>警示:在by + 过去时间或从句的结构中,如果主句动词是动作动词,用过去完成时,如果是状态动词,用一般过去时。比较:     by the end of last year,he was 12.       by the end of last year,he had learned 300 english words. 另外,在---hardly---when/ ---no sooner---than---的句中,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。而且,如果hardly./no sooner 提前,主句需要部分倒装。如:         i had hardly recoganized  him when i saw him.        hardly had i recoganized him when i saw him. 

Unit3 The Computer and the Information Age-grammar教案 篇2

  时态一。总述: 为了便于讲解,我将英语中的时态,分为现在时和过去时。现在时包括一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,姑且把将来时也归入此类。过去时包括,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。一般来说,时态对应是指现在时对应现在时,过去时对应过去时。当然,特殊语境需要特别分析。二。时态对应主要包括以下的典型用法。1。下列情况下,如果主句是将来时《用will/shall/can/must/》或者主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在时。1》在 if /unless/ even if/ 引导的条件状语从句中.如:you will be punished unless you go though with the work.i won't attend the party even if i am invited.2》在when/before/until<till>/as soon as/the moment/ once/引导的时间状语从句中。如:i'll let you know the moment i get timely information.once you realize your mistake, you'll regret for what you've done.3》在 no matter what/no matter who/no matter when/no matter where/no matter how/no matter which/或者 whatever/whoever/whenever/wherever/however/whichever 引导的让步状语从句中。如:i'll believe whatever you have said.however difficult the problem is ,we'll overcome it .wherever you go,i'll follow you.we can help whoever gets in trouble.2。在 祈使句+and/or+句子 的模式中,and/or 后的句子常用将来时态。如:put on the coat,or you'll catch a coldwork hard,and you'll make rapid progress.3。注意used to/would 区别。他们都表示过去常常。但would 常和时间连用,而used to 不可以。如:when i was a boy, i would swim every day.<不用used to>4.be about to do 如果用在简单句中,常用一般现在时。如果用在复合句中,常和when 引导的过去时的从句连用。如:i am about to leavewhen i was about to fall asleep when someone knocked the door.但要注意be about to do 不和具体的时间连用。我们不可以说,we are about to leave this afternoon ,应说,we are about to leave或者说,we will be leaving this afternoon.5.语境中的过去时常表示“刚刚,刚才”之意,暗示现在已经不是这样..如:sorry,i didn't know you were here .6.表示愿望,打算一类的词,如hope, expect, mean, intend, want, think, suppose, want 等,其过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的愿望或意图。如:----why haven't you attended the party?---i had meat to,but i was busy.7.在 it/this be the first/second/---time+that 句中。如果be 为一般现在时,that后的句子一般用现在完成时或一般现在时,如果  be为一般过去时,that后的句子为过去完成时。如:this is the first time that i have met the famous scientist.this is the first time that he gets involved in the tournament.8.在 it be +段时间 +since 从句中,如果be 表现为 is或has been 形式,since 从句用过去时,如果be 表现为was 或 had been,从句用过去完成时。如:it is 3 years since he has taught in this university.9.在...hardly...when/...no sooner...than...结构中,hardly/no sooner 所在的主句用过去完成时,when/than所在的从句用一般过去时。而且,如果 hardly/no sooner 放在句首,主句部分要部分到装,从句结构不变。如:i had  hardly recognized him when he turned up.hardly had i recognized him when he turned up.no sooner had the train left than i got to the railway station.10. 在“主句+before+从句”的结构中,如果主句和从句中动词先后顺序明显,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时;如果主句和从句的动作先后顺序不明显,主从句都用一般过去时。如,the film had been on for 30 minutes before i got there .he hurriedly went out before i said a word.11.在" it be+段时间+before从句"中,如果从句是一般现在时,主句中的 动词用will be形式。如果从句中的动词是一般过去时,主句动词用 was的形式。如:it will not be some time before he graduates.it was 3 years before he graduated.12.在“will/shall be doing"结构中《将来进行时》,其后往往跟上具体的将来时间。如:the plane will be flying over the pacific this time tomorrow morning.13.在“by + 时间”的结构中,如果时间是过去时间,主句中的行为动词常为过去完成时,但如果句中的动词是状态动词be ,仍然用一般过去时。如果时间是将来时间,主句中的行为动词用将来完成时,同样,如果句中的动词是状态动词be,仍然用将来时。如:by the end of last year,they had completed the task.by last month,he was 10 years old.by he joined the army,he had served us as a cook for 5 years.by next month,we will have learned lesson 21.14.在“主语+介词+主语”的结构中,句中的动词要以第一个主语作为标准,这类介词有with/together with/as well as/等。如:the teacher together with the students is going to hongkong tomorrow.the dog ,as well as ten sheep is going to be shipped to qingdao .15.在   neither...nor.../either...or.../there be...等结构中,采用“就近原则”。如:were neither you nor he there when the accident happened ?neither you nor he was there when the accident happened.there is a pen and ten books on the desk.there are ten books and one pen on the desk.16.注意一般过去时 和 过去进行时的区别。一般过去时可以指过去动作的完成,而过去进行时仅表示动作的进行。如:---has he finished the book?---i've no idea, but he_____<write> it last week.a.wrote          b.was writing学生很容易选a。从 i've no idea仔细分析,可以知道本句的动作是进行,而不是完成。所以b是正确的。