首页英语教案小学五年级英语教案PEP5 Unit5 PartA Lets learn(通用2篇)

PEP5 Unit5 PartA Lets learn(通用2篇)

PEP5 Unit5 PartA Lets learn(通用2篇)

PEP5 Unit5 PartA Lets learn 篇1

  pep5 unit5 parta let's learn教学设计



  这是一节以家具为主题的单词新课,本节课的教学内容为5个四会单词和1个三会单词及句型is this your…?和ihave...在教学过程中的渗透运用。为了避免单词的呆板和缺少趣味性,这节课的设计上我围绕这几个单词,以一系列的动作为线索,通过多种方式呈现本课的教学重点,并把它们最后落实到学生们的日常生活中去,使学生们通过课堂上的英语学习知识,同时给他们合作和表现的机会,力求在旧的语言知识中学习新的东西,在新的知识点呈现中复习旧的知识,使英语学习做到新旧互补。



  unit 5 my new room




  1. language objectives:

  1)     master the following words in listening, speaking, reading andwriting: curtain, mirror, closet, end table, trash bin.

  2)     understand and speak the sentences: “is this your…” “i have a…” andthe word: air-conditioner.

  2. ability objectives:

  1)  write the 6 four-skill words correctly.

  2)  describe their rooms by using: .is thisyour…i have a…

  3. emotion objectives:

  foster their consciousness of keeping their rooms tidy and lovefor family.

  key points

  grasp the four-skill words and and the sentences: is thisyour…?

  in my room, i have a …

  difficult points

  the pronunciation of “air-conditioner”.

  teaching aids

  the multimedia equipments, word cards, ppt

  teaching procedures

  teacher’s words and deeds

  ss’ words and deeds

  explanation of the design


  & revision


  (1) greetings

  (2) free-talk:

  t:how are you?

  t: what day is it today?

  t:what do you have on …s?

  t: what do you do on saturdays and sundays?

  t: what can you do at home?

  t: great! you’re helpful!

  (3) let’s do (pep3 unit4 a )

  t chant and do it together with ss 

  1). show the pictures of bathroom, living room, kitchen, bedroomone by one, and ask the ss: what can you do in the …?

  2).show the picture of an empty room

  t: i have a new room. can you guess what room is it?

  t: yes, it’s a bedroom. what can you see in my new room?

  chat with t

  say and act together


  s:miss shao, is this your…?

  daily chatting will lead the ss to the new topic of this unitstep by step.

  review the sentence patterns of unit3

  review the sentences and get familiar with the new topic

  show the new sentence pattern of this lesson:

  is this your…?

  teaching procedures

  teacher’s words and deeds

  ss’ words and deeds

  explanation of the design

  a). when ss say “i can see some clothes”, ask them: where arethe clothes?

  t: i should put away the clothes, and put them into thecloset.

  teach the word: closet

  drill the word: closet , closet , come and look at my closet

  b). t: is my bedroom clean?

  t: let’s sweep the floor and empty the trash bin.

  drill the word: require ss read together, then invite some topractice.

  c).t: girls and boys, what can you see on my window?

  teach the word: curtain

  ss: i can see…

  ss: on the bed


  practise in sentence

  ss: trash bin, trash bin, empty the trash bin

  review the words and elicit the new words aswell

  drill the word in sentence

  it’s necessary to ask several ss to read the wordand correct their pronunciation.

  teaching procedures

  teacher’s words and deeds

  ss’ words and deeds

  explanation of the design

  drill the word: curtain, curtain, come and look at mycurtain.

  t: i like yellow curtains. what colour do you like?

  3). practice:

  t: i have a new room. in my room, i have a small bed, a desk, achair, white curtains and a trash bin. which one is my room?

  d). t: girls and boys, when you get up every morning, you shouldwash your face and your teeth (do the action), so you will need amirror.

  teach and drill the word

  show the picture of a magic mirror

  t: mirror mirror, what can you see?

  review the learned words just now.

  e). teach the word “air-conditioner” when an air-conditionerappears in the mirror

  pay attention to the pronunciation of it.

  game: warm and cold

  hide the word card “air-conditioner” and invite a s to find it.

  f). t: where is my mirror?

  it’s on the end table.

  teach and drill the word:end table.

  4). game: what’s missing?


  s: i like … curtains.

  ss: is a/b your bedroom?


  (one by one/ group by group)

  s: i can see…

  read after t



  find out the missing thing

  practising the word in the new sentence and old sentence isimportant for ss, because language should be learned incontext.

  presenting the new word in real situation will be easier for ssto catch its meaning.

  this game can help ss review the newly learned words, andpresent the word “air-conditioner” as well.

  consolidating the words in game will increase ss’ interest oflearning.

  teaching procedures

  teacher’s words and deeds

  ss’ words and deeds

  explanation of the design



  5). play the flash of a. let’s learn, require the ss to readafter it.

  then, invite some of the ss to read these words, if they do agood job, leave a word card for them.

  teach the chant and require ss to sing the chant together atlast.

  1). show the picture of an end table, and ask : who has an endtable?

  t: is this your endtable?

  t: may i have a look?

  t: thank you! your endtable is beautiful.

  require the ss to make the conversation themselves. drill theother words in this sentence pattern in the same way.

  2). guess: which one is my room?

  show a picture of two rooms, and descibe one of them.

  practise for 2-3 times

  task: choose your favourite room, and introduce it to yourclassmates!

  show some pictures of different rooms, ask the ss to choose oneas their favourite. invite some ss to describe their favouriterooms, the other ss guess.


  read and get the cards


  the s who got the card just now should stand up and answer thequestions.

  ss: is a/b your bedroom?

  s describe a room, the others guess

  timely encouragement will gain ss’ confidence of learning

  singing the words in a chant with help ssto    memorize the words

  this dialogue  aims to practise the words andsentences of this lesson together in a mutual situation

  ss should make their own dialogues on the base of the examplethat t gives

  the ultimate aim of language learning is to use it in realcontext. by the end of the class, ss should be able to combine thewords and sentences together in their conversation.

  part5: homework

  1). copy the new words on your copybook

  2). finish the corresponding exercises on the activity book

  3). design and describe your room to your friends

PEP5 Unit5 PartA Lets learn 篇2


  free talk:

  it’s time for english class.

  (1)let’s chant / let’s do

  pep5 ,unit4 let’s start / pep3 unit 1


  t: look, they are helpful, (拿出helpful的单词卡) chen jie can open the door, amy can sweep the floor. wu yifan can clean the window. miss zhu is helpful,too. i can read books, i can draw pictures, i can sweep the floor, i can do housework, i am _________ (学生填单词helpful)

  t: in our classroom , who is helpful?

  do you know lei feng? is he helpful?

  ss: yes, he is helpful.

  3. 新课呈现

  t:  i am helpful, i can do many housework.

  look ,this is my bedroom, it’s so dirty, i should clean the bedroom, clean the door, clean the wall , clean the bed. (在图片上做动作) clean the bedroom.(出现字幕)

  t: clean ,clean , clean , clean the bedroom


  t:now, is it beautiful? the floor is dirty,too. i can sweep the floor.

  t: sweep. sweep ,sweep, sweep the floor.( 学生一起跟读,加上动作)

  t:oh,the trash bin is full, there is so much trash. trash, trash, trash( ppt里放一些trash,然后指一个学生念一次trash)

  empty the trash


  t: what can i do?

  ( 巩固三个短语环节:老师做动作,学生猜,复习所学的三的短语)

  t:i’m helpful, i can……

  (最后一个动作:water the flowers.)(讲台桌上放一盆花)

  s: water the flower.

  t: only one flower? no, many flowers, i can water the flowers.

  t: i can water the flowers. can you water the flowers? let’s water the flowers together. water water water, water the flowers.

  t:oh, i am tired, a little hungry, i can cook the meals.(ppt里出现老师在做饭的场景)

  ss:cook the meals

  4. 巩固新知

  1.t: read it. 用单词条复习一遍五个单词,

  t: now, open your book, read after !

  look at the back of words to guess, tell me what’s this phrase? 

  t: (老师翻单词的动作尽量慢)

  2. t: guess, what can i do? (老师先抽一张图看,然后做动作,学生猜,做示范,然后老师对让一个学生抽取一张图片,学生用肢体语言表达出来,其他人猜,组与组比赛(两组)

  t:what can he /she do? 学生猜词组

  被抽上来做动作的学生回答:yes, i can. / no, i can’t.


  t:what can they do?

  ss: yes, we can. / no, we can’t.

  t: they are helpful.


  (ppt) ppt出现,t:what can wu yifan do? wu yifan /he can……

  guess? (抽三到四个学生说短语)

  老师再问,zhang peng, sarah, amy, chen jie can ……

  let’s chant:

  t: listen, say it together, (加上动作)

  全班一起配动作先做一遍,然后把头饰给每个组的第一个学生,老师先做示范问一到两个组,示意他们全组起立做动作回答,然后全班问,相应的组站起来回答问题。(去掉water the flowers. 也就是zhang peng)

  t: let’s ask and answer. ##.##,what can you do?

  s1: i can   (学生一个问一个答,快速)

  t: ask other.


  t:look, when you look at them, how do you feel? they need you help,

  what can you do for them?

  t:what can you do,##?

  s: i’m helpful.i can …… (老师问一两个好生,然后过度到

  what about you,^^^?

  t: ok, let’s go!

  t: practice the dialogue. now , read it together.


  t: chenjie, they will go to the home for the aged,let’s listen, what can they do?